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The next day our families were gathering together at the Matthews' house for dinner. The Friars, the Matthews, the Minkuses, and the Harts all under one roof.

Our parents became a real close group of friends over the years.

I tried getting out of my slump about Riley and Lucas' anniversary. I plastered a fake smile on my face and carried on with my day.

When we all arrived at the Matthews's apartment, the parents chatted in the living room while us kids went to Riley's room.

We mainly discussed stats from the season.

I was half present in the conversation. The other half of me just zoned out.

Riley sat on Lucas' lap, and they were still helplessly in love with each other. Barf.

A part of me wanted to cry, I almost did, but I smiled through it.

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" Topanga's called from the kitchen.

I've never bolted out of a room so quickly. I sat at a seat in between my mother and Shawn.

"Maya are you okay?" Riley asked me.

I gave my signature fake smile, "Of course Riles! Just really hungry!"

I hate lying to my best friend. I hate that I'm jealous of her. But if stepping back is what it takes to make her happy, then her happiness overpowers mine.

Everyone else took their seats and enjoyed dinner. I didn't speak much, which was rare, because I always had some sort of remark.

"Riley and I are going to California for a college convention for the next three weeks..." I heard Topanga mention, "but she'll back to spend the rest of her summer with you guys!"

Riley was already thinking about college?

We're juniors now. I guess it's time to start searching for the right college, because next year we apply.

"Farkle will also not be here for his first month of summer. He'll be traveling with me to Florida for a Minkus International conference..." Farkle's father, Stewart Minkus, explained.

Great. So all I have left is Friar.

My heart wanted me to be happy about having some alone time with Lucas, but my mind was telling me that this is awful.

The dinner came to an end and Lucas pulled me aside.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? You seemed kind of out of it tonight..." Lucas asked.

He's so sweet for caring.

Stop it Maya!

"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

Because the boy I like is dating my best friend and it kills me that they're together.

"Um never mind. I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to work on some softball and baseball skills sometime next week? You know, to ensure our spots on the varsity teams?"

I blush at this, "Sure! Sounds good!"

"See ya then Hart!" He says, slowly walking towards his parents.

"Friar," I wave goodbye, walking out myself.

I get in the car where my mom and dad are waiting for me.

"What took you so long sweetie?" Mother questioned.

"Just talking with Lucas," I say.

"Talking about what?" she fiddled her eyebrows.

"It wasn't like that! We're just meeting up next week for some softball/ baseball practice," I argue.

"Whenever you two hang out together it's all about sports! When was the last time you ever went out for ice cream or something and chat?"

"Mother, Riley's his girlfriend remember?" I say in a duh tone.

"I know that silly, I meant as friends?"

She's right. Whenever we hang out we talk about sports or we're practicing or doing something active. We've haven't sat down and talked since he was single. That was a year ago!

"I know what you're doing Katy! Stop trying to push them together!" Shawn speaks up.

"I'm not! I just want them to take a break from all the sports!" Mom defends.

We finally get home and I do the biggest flop on my bed.

I wish I could hate you Huckleberry, but that's too hard.


Lucas and I finish practicing. Another great session with one of the most amazing baseball players at our school.

"Hey do you wanna go get ice cream and talk or something?" I ask.

"Really? You wanna talk with me?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes I do Sun Dance because it's only ever athletics between us."

"I'd love to!" He smiles.

Oh that smile. It makes my heart beat abnormally fast.

Stop it Maya!

We get to the ice cream parlor and make our way over to the giant class case full of flavors. I pick cookies and cream and he picks strawberry.

We sat in a booth and start small talk.

Soon, we were locked into a deep conversation.

We didn't even notice we've been talking for four and a half hours.

I look into his eyes and sky's the limit.

"You know you're a really good listener Hart..." he compliments.

"You're not too bad yourself cowboy!" I smirk.

We talk for a little while longer and then we started to walk home.

"How come we haven't talked like that in a while?" Lucas furrows his eyebrows.

"Because you're always with Riley," I tease.

"I know and I'm sorry..."

"There's no need to be sorry Friar, that's what boyfriends and girlfriends do. They get wrapped up in their own little world and neglect their friends," I joke.

"Ha ha! Very funny blondie!" He rolls his eyes.

We reach my doorstep and hug goodbye.

"I had a great time Lucas," I say.

"Did you just call me Lucas?" He laughs.


"Yep. Don't flatter yourself hop along!" I smile.

With that, he walked across his lawn to his own door.

Oh Huckleberry, you'll always be such a huckleberry.

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