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I went to the park to take my mind off things.

I started to walk around and then I sat under a tree.

"I like this park too you know..." he said.

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to know what's up with you lately?" He asked.

"Look, I would tell you huckleberry, but I can't do that to Riley..."

"Do what to Riley?"

"Her happiness means the world to me. You know that better than anyone..."

"What about your happiness?" Lucas asked.

"What about it?"

"Your happiness is important too. Especially to me!" He smiles.

"I'm important to you?" I blush.

"You've always been important to me. Ever since we were little kids!" He defends.

"I remember back when we were twelve, I had a crush on you..." Lucas blushed.

My ears perk up, and I stare into his caring green eyes.

"Really? What happened to it?"

"Who said I ever stopped?"

"Ranger Rick you like me?" I smile.

He leans and kisses me. It was an amazing kiss.

"Maya Hart I really like you..."


Before I could say anything I was cut off by a loud beeping noise.

Then everything begins to blur, Lucas disappears, and everything goes black. Did I pass out again?

"Maya wake up! You're gonna be late for school!" My dad yells.

I open my eyes and I'm in my bedroom. I reach over to shut off my annoying alarm clock.

It was just a dream. Damn it! It felt so real!


"Riley broke up with me today..." Lucas told me.

"She what?" I say, sounding so confused.

We were practicing batting skills, since it was off season.

"She ended things this morning," he confessed.

"Why?" I ask.

"I don't know. She told me that we had a good run together and that we'll always be there for each other, but it was time for us to seek something better..."

I pinch myself to make sure it's not another dream.

Nope. Wide awake.

"Are you okay? It must hurt..."

"Actually not as much as I thought it would. I mean Riley's great and we had an amazing year as a couple, but maybe our time together was up," he shrugs.

"Well, whatever makes you both happy," I smile.

"Wanna go get some food or something?" He asked me.

"Sorry I can't, I promised Topanga I'd help out at the cafe."

"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow!" He says, while packing up.

I get to Topanga's and I see Riley and Topanga cleaning off tables in the empty cafe.

"Riles!" I yell.

"Hey Maya?" Riley said.

"Why did you end things with Lucas?" I whisper yell.

"Because Maya. I'm just... not into him anymore. It was fun, but it's time for us to move on from what we had."

"So it had nothing to do with me?" I cross my arms.

"Okay maybe a little, but I don't like Lucas anymore. He and I will only ever be friends!"

"So what now?"

"You freaking tell him you love him and go out with him!"

"Are you hearing yourself right now?!"

"My dad was right! You love Lucas, I don't. I want you to be happy! Go be happy!"

"I don't know Riles..."


"No I need to think!" I say.

I clear tables, serve a few, and work the cashier the rest of the night.

I lock up the cafe and head home.

I start on my way to my house, but a shadow jumps out at me.

"AHHHH!" I say falling to floor.

"Relax Hart! It's just me!"

"Lucas what the hell!" I say placing my hand over my heart.

"I thought you wouldn't want to walk home alone..."

"Well let's go!" I say.

Lucas lends me a hand and helps me up.

"So the play is in two days..." I start.

"Yeah and we've got this in the bag!" He praises.

After a few moments of silence, Lucas takes his hand in mine.

We walk up the steps of my house, still holding hands, and we stare into each other's eyes.

He moves a piece of dangling hair to the back of my ear.

I swear I saw him glance down at my lips.

Our faces are so close together and he closes the space between us by connecting our lips.

It was a sweet, innocent kiss.

We part and he smiles. I blush.

"Goodnight Maya..."

"Goodnight cowboy..."

We both look down at the floor trying to hide our blushes, but it's so obvious.

What does that mean now? Does he like me too?

I watch Lucas walk across my lawn to his, making his way to his own front door.

He waves before stepping in.

I smile as I step into my own.

I close the door behind me and lay my back to the door and stare off into space.

I just had my first kiss, and it was with Lucas Friar.

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