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I walked down the hall and to my locker. I open it and noticed a giant poster hung on the wall next to the set of lockers.

In big words it read 'Juilliard Is Looking For Recruits! Could It Be You?'

There was a bunch of information about the auditions on it.

'Auditions are on
Friday, December 2nd at 4:00
in the auditorium!
Be ready to showcase your talents center stage!'

I smiled to myself. Only two more weeks.

"Maya, Maya! Softball try outs are in December! I overhead Coach talking in the office!" Riley runs up to me.

"Why not early January like they always are?" I laugh at her excitement.

"Coach says she wants her seniors to have a few more practices before the season since college scouts are scouting out our games!" Riley jumps up and down. "I think she said December 2nd..."

My smile quickly fades. "Huh?"

"December 2nd at 3:30 or something?" Riley continues to jump.

But the Juilliard auditions are at 4?! I mentally freak out.

"That's great Honey!" I fake smile.

"Yeah and then we can be recruited by college scouts together and play softball for the same university it's gonna be great!" Riley claps her hands.

"Hey, I gotta go talk to a teacher about something, I'll see you in history?" I try to change the subject.

I turn around and practically run down the hall to Coach's office.

"Ah Maya Hart, my number 7, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Coach smiles.

"Um, is it true that softball tryouts are going to be on December 2nd at 4 this year?" I ask, hoping that Riley heard incorrectly.

"Yep. I want my seniors extra prepared for the season!"

"But Juilliard auditions are that same day at 3:30!"

"Are you telling me you're not trying out for the team this year?" Coach fold her arms.

"No, no! Of course I am! I was just hoping that maybe you could move the try outs to the week after?" I begged.

"Sorry number 7, but the baseball team tryouts are the week after softball and they'll need the field," Coach explains.

I almost cried.

I almost cried right then and there but I just left Coach's office.

The warning bell rang and I raced back down the hall to history.

I made it to my seat right as the bell rings. But then I look at the board.


"You guys are seniors and December is almost here. You do realize your time to think about your future is limited? You'll be applying for college soon. Then you're out of here," Mr.Matthews starts.

"Where are you going with this Hambone?" Farkle asks.

"Have you thought about the colleges you want to attend? Riley," Mr.Matthews calls.

"NYU, SDSU, or maybe even UCLA," She answers.

"Why?" He asks.

"They have amazing softball programs and an amazing academic history," She smiles.

"Lucas?" Mr.Matthews calls again.

"NYU, Rice University, UCLA, University of Austin, Texas and a few more. They're baseball teams are some of the best in the country and NYU has a great Veterinarian program," Lucas answered.

"Those are all good choices you two, what about you, Maya?" Mr.Matthews says.

"Pass," I wave off.

"What?" Mr.Matthews asked confused.

"Skip me, I don't want to talk about it."

"What's not to talk about?" Riley turns to face me.

"I just don't want to talk about it. So please, call on someone else."

"It's just college you have-" Riley tries, but I cut her off.


The class goes dead quiet and all eyes were on Riley and I.

"Maya, calm down. I thought you wanted to go somewhere with a softball-"


I get up from my seat and storm out of the classroom.

I love Riley, but sometimes she pushes my buttons and it's irritating.

As I stomp away from history I hear someone faintly say, "She just has a lot on her mind."


I wander the halls trying to contemplate my future.

Softball is my life, I can't just throw it all away, it's all I know.

But Juilliard is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

But I love softball.

But you also love being on stage.

I'm good at pitching, batting, running the bases...

You're also good at singing, acting, dancing...

Think about Coach.

Think about Mrs.Bean.

Only if there was a sign that would help me figure out what I'm supposed to do.

As I snap out of my thoughts I realize where I wandered off to.

The baseball field.

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