1- The New Dean

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  Just another day of my Senior Year in college. Not so bad. Akira picked me up today from my apartment after her gym. We were on our way to the main college building. I had a class today but apparently all classes were annulled because of this urgent announcement. All we got was an email requesting our urgent presence in the auditorium on Wednesday. Akira Monsoon has been my best friend since diapers. We have stuck together through thick and thin. Hell-hole called High-School ? Check. Cheating boyfriends ? Check. Parents' divorce ? Check. She is the other part of me, no matter how much vivid we are.  

As we round up around the corner, I saw the huge piece of stunning architecture come into view. I have always admired this building. Studying architecture myself, this was a unique piece of art. Akira parked her BMW X5 next to a Honda Sedan. We got out of her car and proceeded towards the entrance. Many of our class mates were already here or were rounding up now. Some were familiar faces whilst some were completely unknown. Needless to say, the entrance was packed and crowded. After a little bit of hassle we reach inside the lecture theatre. We quickly grab two seats adjacent to each other on the tenth row giving us direct view of the stage. There were a few people standing on the stage waiting to address the audience. One face I recognised as MrLee. He is best friends with our college Dean- Mr.David James and also a member of the board. So I guessed the rest of them were the other members of the board. Everyone is either getting settled or looking for places to sit. As I look around I notice a few of them standing in the back having no place to sit. A throat clears and grabs our attention as silence slowly descends over us.

"Good Morning, everyone. The purpose for this short-notice presence is.. I... feel very remorseful to... inform you that... uh... Mr.David James is... no longer with us." murmurs rise among the audience and everyone is just as confused as I am. Our Dean is dead ? However, Mr.Lee just looks defeated as he avoids the gaze of the crowd. He then looks up from his hands and says into the mic, "Silence." Everyone respects his order and once again pin-drop silence is observed throughout. "He had a heart-attack last Sunday and died in his house. The university has decided to plan a funeral at the St.Convent's Church tomorrow, you all are invited to bid your last goodbyes." Mr. David James or Dean David as everyone called him was a very disciplinary man. He practised perfection and poise in everything he did. Proven by his reputation which was very clean. Being an ex-army veteran, I think it came from there. His two ex-wives left him- according to the rumors- because of his obsession with faultlessness. "Without wasting further time, I just want to introduce you all to Nicholas James-Dean David's nephew. He will be taking over the responsibility as the Dean of the college for the next year."

Just then a man climbs the stairs to the stage and as soon as he comes into light I am left mystified. Midnight black hair, tall-build-lean body at least 6'4, broad shoulders and full luscious lips- couldn't be more than thirty years of age. He walks with an aura of dominance and intimidation. He is the kind of person that demands your full unreserved attention. He walks up to Mr.Lee and he reverentially steps back, giving the podium to Nicholas James. Our new Dean turns to the audience and greets us, "Hello." Dear God, even his voice is sexy. His jawline is so beautifully defined and I watch mesmerised as a slow smile lays on his lips. I lick my lips unconsciously. His eyes sizes the crowd and if he was nervous- which I highly doubt- he didn't show it.

"I know all of you heard Mr.Lee before, but I just want to introduce myself. My name is Nicholas James and I am your new Dean. You may just call me Dean. I know I am a lot younger than what would've expected- but make no mistake. I will do anything and everything to keep up the name and the reputation of this university." He scans the crowd and abruptly his eyes meet mine. Something I wasn't yet ready for. A lot of emotions cross his features and I am forced to look away at the intensity of his scrutiny. But within a few moments like I am captivated by his gaze my eyes find his again. My breath hitches and he peers at me from the stage. My lips run dry as I bite them. I feel a little uneasy under his focus and I nervously lift up my hand to play with the hair cascading down my shoulders and I again cut my eyes off of his and look at Akira to find some ease.

Akira- the ever watchful as I call her- turns to me and mouths, 'He is staring at you.' I gulp and turn back to him and find him the same as before- staring at me. Mr.Lee puts a hand on his shoulder and captures his attention away from me. He half-turns and when his eyes leave mine I breath a huge sigh. "He is so hot" Akira whisper-yells at me and an involuntary smile breaks on my face. I turn back to find him stepped back and Mr.Lee talking to everyone but his eyes remain on me. I try to concentrate on Mr.Lee's announcement but only catch the tail end on it. "... dispensable to say, all the classes have been rescinded for today. Have a good day everyone." Mr.Lee concludes. Murmurs hike amongst everyone once again as all rise to leave. Akira gets up and pulls me by my hand successfully breaking my gawking marathon at the new Dean who chatted away with the others on the stage.

"If you stare any harder or any longer you two will end up having sex right here giving us a free show." Akira says in my ear and I can't help but smile. I am very skittish that way. Because of the chocolate color of my skin- thanks to my Indian mom- I don't blush. So whenever someone compliments me or I find myself looking at a very good specimen of male I smile making things very awkward.

"Alrighty, then." I say and follow Akira out. I don't look back at him but I can feel the gape of two charcoal eyes burning behind my back. When I reach the main doors; which lead into the main hallways; I spin and risk a view. Many students stand in my way and cover my view of him but I do get flashes of him between two people and I find his eyes following my every move. I rotate back and follow Akira out. All the way Akira steals glances at me and snickers quietly. She is a Mathematics major and has excellent observation power. She has exceptional brains and I don't doubt that she would become an A-league mathematician. She observes everything. Nothing misses her eyes and hence the name, Akira- the ever watchful.

"Not a word" I state as we get settled into her car ready to leave. The ignition starts and she finally breaks the silence, " We hunger in earnest for that which we cannot consume." She quotes Nenia Campbell.

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