2- The Funeral

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Akira and I- we were ready to go to the funeral at the church and pay our regards to Dean David. It was a last minute decision on both our parts. We didn't know him personally except on occasions- where we had applied to a scholarship personally in our first years- but we felt it would be the right thing to pay our regards as he had given us some concession in our scholarships when we desperately needed it. We could also volunteer to help with the after funeral party. That was the cover story. Dean David had served in the Marines for a couple years and some army- men would be present there for the ceremony. Some very handsome army men. The real reason for Akira's presence while I was the wing- woman. As we pulled up beside the church we noticed a lot of people in black loitering around in the streets. We parked the car and walked a couple feet after we reached the church.

The first thing that catches my eye is the number of men in their uniform and from the looks of it, outnumbers the number of people in black we had seen previously. All kinds of military men were to be seen. Young to the men who seemed as though they have seen things I wouldn't want to imagine. Some were very admirable and cute while the others were pure eye-candies. "This is what buffet is." Akira says hushly from beside me and I fight a smile.

As we walk up to the threshold of the church; which has obviously seen better days- my eyes catch the very intimidating dark orbs of the Dean. He was in an all black garb with a suave grey tie which adorned his neck covered by a suit jacket. He is standing with a man in the uniform and Mr.Lee. The man whose jacket reads as 'Gerard' talks away without noticing that the one of the other converser has already lost interest in his conversation. Dean's eyes follow my every move and I am forced to break eye contact first due to his coerced stare as Akira nudges me by her elbow easing me a little from the heated gawk of a certain someone. She nudges her head slightly towards my side making my eyes go to the source where I see a group of five young Marines standing there looking at us with a flirty smile playing on each of their faces. I smile back politely but Akira starts pulling me with her when my heel decides to not cooperate successfully making me let put a yelp as I prepare to face plant on the concrete but my fall is broken by two muscular arms wrapping themselves around my waist cushioning my fall into their chest. I heave a little before lifting my head and looking at my embarrassment-saviour.

It is one of the guys we saw before. He has really pretty blue-green eyes. "Are you alright, Ma'am ?" he asks but still keeps his arms around me. I take a deep breath and reply, "Yes. I am sorry, I tripped." I send a viscous glare at Akira who smiles snidely. "You're sorry you tripped ?" he asks amusedly and I nervously put a strand of hair behind my ear as it escaped the pin up of my hair. I take a deep breath and contemplate my next answer gulping. He's right. Why are you sorry ? But I am saved from even more embarrassment as Akira jumps to my rescue. "I am really sorry, Evie. I didn't know I was pulling you too hard. Thank you..." she trails off looking at his name engraved on his chest "Peter, for saving her a little embarrassment." If Peter's arms weren't holding me I would've jumped to squeeze the life out of her.

"Your Welcome, Ma'am." he turns his attention to me and I put my hands on his arms to remove them from my waist and I am glad when he gets the hint and lets me go- stepping back respectfully. See the thing about military men is the chivalry they possess. Akira absolutely loves being pampered and the added package of the fitness they possess is a cherry on the top. "Evie ?" he asks.

"Uh.. My name is Evelyn. You can call me Evie." I say explaining.

"Well, Evie, it was nice to meet you. Can I bother you with a cup of coffee after the ceremony ?" See ? They're straightforward. No beating around the bush. Hold on... Did he just ask me out ? "She would love to" Akira answers for me and we turn to her but he still looks at me questioningly, "Sure, Peter" I say his name for the first time. You don't think twice when a cute- hot guy with adorable eyes asks you out. Especially if he comes with the package of the army. He smiles and reveals his dimple on one cheek and I swoon. Literally. Awkward. He chuckles seeing my reaction and I look down with mortification. "Well, can I escort you ladies inside ?"

"You mean court Evie ?" Akira says with a small smile with her hands behind her back, "No fair. I will be the third wheel" she complains and pouts with humor.

"Not anymore, my lady. My name is Nyle and I will be your escort." another voice joins us as another one of the Marines firm we saw earlier steps beside Akira and curls his arm as if asking for her arm in his. Akira wastes no second and immediately wraps her arm around his. He starts walking and when he does Akira turns around no enough for him to realize and fans herself -'hot'. An involuntary laugh escapes me and I follow them with Peter by my side and his hand lightly at my waist. "Your laugh is beautiful" he says and if I blushed I would be tomato. Instead I do the childish thing and smile really creepily. To make up for my lack of blushing, God has given me really creepy smiles in real abundance. By now you must know that I am terrible with men.

He laughs and I don't dare look at him but instead find my eyes wandering to the black orbs before. I had felt them on me the entire time but with Peter it just became easier to shake them off. He was right there the last time I saw him except this time he was leaning on a pillar. His gaze was assessing Peter this time. As if sensing my gaze on him he suddenly locks eyes with me. But all too soon we enter inside and he is lost. We find a bench on the third row behind Mr.Lee and Gerard with an empty seat beside them. Nyle gets in first followed by Akira and me and then last at the very end Peter. A few moments after we are seated the very familiar unnerving Black orbs from earlier join us walking to the empty seat in front of us and this time I look at him a little closer then the previous occasions and realize just how sexy and hot he really is. His cologne fills my nostrils and I close my eyes momentarily lost. Akira nudges me with her elbow and points towards him provocatively. Jee, even his back is sexy. I wonder how it would feel when I scratch it with my nails.

Holy Shit. What the fuck is wrong with you, Eveyln ? He is your Dean.

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