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She was in shock. How could it be that Shawn Mendes was standing just behind the door, in her family hotel? And he was staying for two weeks and would be a part of her tour. Well, she knew a lot of people who would be even more in awe. She definitely knew how he was but wouldn't really classify herself as a fan. Still strange. She returned to the lobby and continued checking in the guests that arrived. 

Later in the afternoon as she was just sitting behind the counter, Shawn came through the door. She looked at him. He really was gorgeous. With his tight grey shirt, which perfectly put his insane muscles on display. And he was so tall. She really loved tall guys. He came over to her and she couldn't explain the strange nervousness inside her. He came over and leaned on to the countertop. Again she couldn't stop herself from examining his biceps. He took off his sunglasses to reveal those beautiful deep brown eyes. "So what beach do I go to?", he asked whilst again looking her straight in the eyes. " Well, that one." She said pointing out of the window behind her. He blushed from embarrassment and started laughing a little. She joined him with a little giggle. "There are some great bars around here too. Just along the beach. We also have some sun beds just out front." She informed him. But he was still hooked on her first sentence. "You can drink?" He asked curiously, wanting to find out more about her. She smiled. "Yes. Just turned eighteen. Been testing all the bars since I arrived here." "Oh, you don't live here?". "No!" she laughed, "I would probably decease of boredom." He chuckled. "I only come here over my semester breaks to help my dad." "Ah, I see. Well, do you need to stay right here or could you join me on my way to the beach?" He asked hopefully, wanting to spend more time with her. She looked surprised but smiled and nodded. "I'll be right there." She went into the back room. "Dad? I'm just out for a short while. I'm just outside on the beach." She emerged and reassured the smile she saw on his face.

She showed him the sun beds and he pulled two of them out onto the beach. As they laid down the awkward silence was quickly broken by Shawn: "So, where do you live when you're not here?" She turns her head to look at him and answers: "Well I'm from Germany and have lived in Berlin my whole life. Now I'm done with school and starting to study in Toronto." He smiled. "No way, I'm from there, well Toronto." "Really? Cool. You're gonna have to give me some tips." Of course, she knew that he was Canadian but that Toronto was his hometown was actually news to her. "So what do you do?" She asked him, just curious on how he would act and what he would say. He had a surprised but not cocky look on his face as he answered: "I just finished school and am kinda focusing on my music. I'm a singer and write songs. Yeah, I'm focusing on that" He broke the everlasting eye contact during that answer. Looking at the beach. Embarrassed. "Oh, cool. You need to play me something sometime." She chuckled and he joined in, looking back at her. "Yeah, I would love to."

She returned to the reception half an hour later to greet some new guests, as he stayed thinking. She was so cool. It has been a long time since he met such a cool, kind and just interesting girl. And the fact that he was meeting her here, on a tiny island, that had to mean something. He was just super excited for the rest of his stay here, keen to spend as much time as possible with her. Who knows what could happen. 

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