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He sat down on one of the chairs in the lobby. Waiting for her to pick him up. He pulled out his phone to check the time and saw thousands of twitter notifications. Scrolling through them he realized this was the first time he had checked social media since he arrived here. He had gotten thousands of tweets from fans, asking him where he's been, speculating why he wasn't active. Some thought he was taking a break to write new music, some thought he had injured himself or died. No one had suspected he was hiding away on a little island, infatuated with a beautiful girl with whom he will be going to the beach in only a few minutes. 

He was still looking down at his phone, not noticing her behind him. She looked down over his shoulder onto his phone. Her thoughts were proven. Peaking at his follower count and seeing the M behind 19, assured her that she really had seen him before. Surprisingly she wasn't even shocked. 19 million was a huge following but their situation didn't change at all by that number. She was glad that Shawn hadn't told her or act pretentious or anything. After those thoughts ran through her mind she smiled and tapped his shoulder. 

He spun around quickly, so happy to see her and get going. "You look lovely.", he said whilst returning her smile. She was wearing a yellow bathing suit underneath a sheer white tunic. Her body really was beautiful, curvy and tanned. Guess, that's what happens when you spend all summer on a Greek island. She blushed and looked down to accept the compliment. "No need to be modest, you look absolutely stunning! I should be happy that there is no one else under the age of 30 on this island." She laughed as he snaked his arms around her waist and making his way down the street. She stopped, and whilst giggling pointed the other way, "It's this way." "Oh, yeah right. I don't know where I'm going. Please," he let her go and bowed, "My, lady lead the way." She curtsied "Thank you, gentleman.", and lead the way down the street to the beach.

The walk was short and silent. But a good silence. Shawn was blown away by the beauty of this green island. The trees lining the road were blocking the view of the ocean, but the smell guaranteed that it was definitely there. Often his gaze landed on her, she was walking through this beautiful place as if she knew every branch of every tree by name. This was her place, and she fit in so well. Her red hair was shining in the sun and fell down her back until her waist. It looked perfect in combination with her tanned skin in the yellow one piece. Her face was in an expression of peace, it was calm, happy and beautiful. She seemed so serene and at peace. 

She stopped in front of a thick wall of bushes. "This is my secret way." She smiled and swiftly disappeared through the bushes. She was gone quicker than Shawn could even comprehend how she just effortlessly slid through a thick plant wall. "It's mot as thick as it looks!", she said from the other side. Reluctantly he stepped into the bushes and was suprised to find them soft and moveable. He emerged on the other side and was instantly in awe. Of the beach, which was so impeccable with its white sand and crystal clear waters, and with the girl, which had taken of her tunic and was already running toward the ocean.

"Come on!", she screamed at him whilst turning around to look at him strip off his shirt and shoes and running after her. He caught up to her close to the water and took her hand. Surprised she looked at their intertwined hands and then up at his face. Both their smiles grew so much bigger and slowly they waded into the refreshing sea. "This is unfair", she said " I'm already at my belly button while the water has just touched your shorts." He laughed and in a swift movement picked her up onto his back. "Ahhhh", she screamed in surprise but this quickly turned into a deep laugh. He started running through the water, trying to get her deep into it quickly. "Stop! Stop!", she laughed while trying to splash him with her feet. She used all her weight to pull him back and down into the ocean. "No! I won't let you.", he said between the laughs of their play-fight. But after a few seconds she succeeded and they both fell into the water.

The water was so nice. So cool and refreshing. It truly was perfect, Shawn thought. This vacation was truly perfect. He emerged from the water, sticking his hair back with his hands and looking around for her. At first he couldn't see her. Spinning around he finally spotted her, distorted by the waves whilst diving underneath them. He waited, for an impressively long time for her to reappear. She did, a few meters away from him. He was again taken aback by her beauty. She stood, the water reaching her breast, her hair straight back a few strands sticking to her face, looking at him deeply. Stuck in their gaze, they started moving toward each other slowly. "How do you like the beach?", she asked him in a slow and sultry voice. "It's one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It's perfect.", Shawn answered, still looking at her and moving toward her. Now they were only centimetres apart. "That's great, I'm glad you like it." She reached out her hand and placed it on his chest, looking down at it and his toned body. He took her other hand in his and moved even closer, closing the gap between them. She felt the breath on her face when she looked up at him. Their lips touched and both were lost in the kiss. Their hands moved along each others bodies trying to take in every inch. The kiss deepened.

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