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They pulled away momentarily, not breaking eye contact. They were breathing heavily, both still in shock due to the emotions they were feeling. Shawn had never felt this way before, the way this kiss was making him feel was completely new. Her touch felt like electric sparks against his skin and he wanted nothing more than to keep her close and keep kissing her.

Too many thoughts were running through her head. She felt the sparks, the sparks from his fingertips all over her naked skin, she was mesmerized by his touch. But other thoughts were trying to take over. What would this lead to? Him being the star he is, how would those 19 million people react? Is he just going leave this island and never think about her again? That's how pop stars do it right? But those thoughts were banned straight into the back of her mind as he came close once more and the make out continued. 

Slowly the both of them lowered down onto their knees. The water was splashing against their chins trying to distract them from each other, but failing miserably. Nothing could get them out of the zone. The zone in which there was just them two, a bubble where nothing else mattered, where nothing else existed but their two bodies in this beautiful ocean, leaning into each other, as close as possible trying to take each other in as much as possible. Then a huge wave broke over their heads and the bubble burst.

"Ahhh!" Both were swept away by the force of the ocean, being pushed under the water and away from each other. Laughing she emerged and looked for Shawn, immediately spotting him next to her laughing just as much. "Maybe we should get out now. Is the ocean trying to tell us something?" he smirked at her whilst standing up. She blushed as he stretched out his hand toward her and helped her up and out of the water. Hand in hand they made their way up the beach toward all their towels. "What do you think the ocean was trying to tell us?", she asked him, sitting down on her towel and looking up at him. From this angle his body looked even more toned, if that was even possible. "It was telling us to get outta there and continue somewhere else." He smirked again and sat down next to her. Leaning toward her, intending to continue where they left of. "Wait a second, please. I - Well, how does this work? You, can you just be doing this?", she had pulled back from his attempt to kiss her and looked at him confused. "What do you mean?", he answered mirroring her confused expression. "I mean, because of your... status. Your situation, I don't know what to call it. How long are you staying anyway? Don't you need to be touring the world right now or something?", she turned her attention to the very interesting little plants beside her, trying to escape his gaze. Shawn was taken aback by her question. Searching for words for a while before answering. "So you know who I am?" She nodded, still not looking at him. "I saw your Twitter earlier, then I remembered where I knew you from. You're like a huge fucking celebrity...!" She looked back up at him, and he looked somewhat disappointed. "Oh, well I thought that didn't matter to you, you didnt seem like the type of person to be attracted to fame." He said with his head down, his tone reflecting the disappointment written all over his face. She reached out for his face and pulled him back up, forcing him to look at her. "I'm not. Absolutely. You're one of the greatest guys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. That's that and your fame never had anything to do with that. I am just worried I hope you understand that. I'm overwhelmed." She pulled him closer and gave him a soft peck on his lips. He looked straight into her eyes. "Dont be worried. Here, here on this island nothing else matters, especially not being a celebrity. The only thing that matters, is that we found each other. What were the odds of that?" A smile grew on his lips as his hands wandered up to her torso and he leaned back in to keep on kissing her. As they momentarily pulled away, both had huge smiles plastered on their faces. "Those odds really did us right." She laughed and they sank down, lying next to each other on a beautiful beach, enjoying each other's company. Happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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