Modest! Management a.k.a. One Direction's Management Masterpost

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*This chapter might be irrelevant but I found this post and wanted to share with you.*


Every single person should read this (it is a ships-free post).

Hello. For those who don't know me already, I'm Cheshire and I'm the owner of this Tumblr.
In the 30th of April of 2012 this Tumblr was born because of reasons that are in the "About the Tumblr" (if you haven't read it, please read now). Back then, management wasn't the popular topic that is today in the One Direction fandom. I definitely did not view Modest! Management as a bad management company back then, as I wrote in my 1st "About the Tumblr" that my aim with this Tumblr was "to get the management's attention; to get them to see that some things they have done recently shouldn't have been done, in our very honest opinion (and it will also work as preventing future mistakes); "wake-up call."" and added "what management was/is doing is stupid. IT DOES NOT MEAN we're not thankful for all the other things they have done, because we are (and they have done a great job), and IT DOES NOT MEAN they don't try their best and don't have their best interests, we just think that some of the things they did and are still doing are not correct." because, first of all, when 1D were famous only in the UK they had a lot of freedom (so we can assume that management, in the beginning, did a good job), second of all, because I didn't want to think that they were doing/did those things only because of their selfish interests since there was no proof to back-up that, and third of all, because I had no idea whether they knew that the fans didn't agree with some of the things they did/were doing (meaning that they could not know outsider opinions) and it could've been possible that the reasons why they were doing those things were because they didn't expect 1D to get so big so they had lost a bit their control (x). In the beginning, I wanted to get their attention towards my Tumblr by "(...) trending topics on twitter, spamming 1D and their friends/family on Twitter with this Tumblr/a specific hashtag, and much more." because I thought that it would be the only way to get them to know about this Tumblr's existence and think about an opinion that many fans have in common, and in everything I typed in here I would always be very respectful towards them, but as time went by stuff [towards and related to One Direction] happened that made me come to the conclusion that Modest! Management is a bad management company, meaning that I stopped being respectful and polite towards them and although I still want to [, for example,] trend topics on Twitter, it is not for the same reasons that I had before. This masterpost will not only explain why Modest! Management is a bad management company but also how the entertainment industry actually works and it is important to understand that a big part of the things that Modest! Management do are considered normal and necessary by the majority of the management companies and/or PR companies.

I am seriously happy that management is now a very, very famous topic amongst the 1D fandom. I did my research before creating this Tumblr and I can tell you that we were the first Tumblr ever to exist about/against 1D's management and, like I said before, fans back then would rarely mention management [on Twitter, Tumblr, etc] but once we created this Tumblr, more or less a month after there were already one or two Tumblrs particularly about management and some fans emailed management their complaints. This Tumblr has grown a lot since then, achieving one of its aims (an aim that was only created when I found out that Modest! do suck) that is to educate people on how the entertainment industry works, meaning that there are currently loads of Tumblrs and Twitters that talk about management (in particular and not in particular; some even have management-related URLs/usernames), a lot of people have emailed management their complaints, (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x), (x) and if you type "@ModestMgmt" on Twitter's search bar you'll see the type of mentions that they receive.

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