Chapter five.

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Silence fell as we both sat, enjoying the peace for a little while. There was no awkwardness, we didn't even attempt to talk to each other and for a moment, I began to relax. 

I decided to enter English early, grabbing a seat towards the other side of the room I begin to unload my books for class.

Time ticks on as more students enter the class. One girl sits next to me but having never spoken to her, I'm not so worried about it. At least now I shouldn't be tormented as much. One time, there was a few empty seats behind mine and two guys decided they would sit there and spend the rest of the lesson throwing an empty water bottle at my head, whoever hit me in the head hardest won their little game. 

"Hello class!" Mrs Petro announces as she strides into the room, snapping  me out of my memories. A huge smile plastered on her face with almost thirty copies of A Christmas Carol in her hands. The whole class groans realizing that this book (which we have studied every year so far) will be the base of our 'new' topic.

Considering it's still two months until Christmas, I'm a bit shocked were studying it now.

"Oh! Stop your groaning! It will be fun." Mrs Petros' enthusiasm only causes more groaning but a loud creek of the old wooden door silences everyone, their eyes pinned to the unknown boy. I don't even have a peek, already having a hunch of who it might be.

"Ah, Jessie!" She utters, gesturing for him to take a seat by the front. "Class, Jessie will be joining our Journey through literature. I'm sure you will make him welcome."

Layla's eyes glow up when she spots him; she straightens her posture and flicks her long dark hair over her shoulder.

I slope down in my seat as I witness the sight of the popular girls gawking at the site of a handsome new guy.

Seeing Jessie look as awkward as I feel makes me want to suggest that he sits behind me. However, my voice gets caught in my throat and I just watch as he slowly glides over to his seat. Slumping down silently, he pulls out his equipment keeping his eyes to the front.

Only now do I notice that his black eye has almost disappeared in a matter of minutes. I can only assume he has managed to cover it up with something, most likely make up. There is no other way his bruise would have gone down. It works, now it looks like he has dark circles creating a broody look rather then suggesting Jessie had been beaten up.

Eric, one of Layla's many 'on again, off again' boyfriend, is situated just behind Jessie, sizing him up and getting a feel for the kind of person he might be, if he'd be worth their time.

Jessie's certainly got the looks and would fit in perfectly but I'm sure boys in the 'popular' group don't cry. They are the type of guys who don't believe in showing that kind of emotion, they call it weakness but I see it as a strength. 

There are many differences between Eric and Jessie. Apart from their good looks, they are completely different. Jessie slumps in his chair, his jumper pulled up to his fist as he leans his head on it, much like me. Meanwhile, Eric sits upright and confident for everyone to see, a smirk plastered on his face at all times, almost like he can't help it.

"Open your textbooks to pages 147-150 and answer all the questions on the first page of A Christmas Carol. I want full answers okay? You have the whole lesson to do this." Mrs Petro utters interrupting my thoughts.

Slowly, I stand up and tip toe my way over to the front desk where the textbooks lie. My pulse ripples through out my body, sounding the loudest as it rings in my ears. Keeping my head down, I walk past Laylas' desk.

Thud, thud, thud.

Layla stands up, reaching over to me. However, to my surprise she says nothing. Instead Layla smiles, her eyes wide and bright creating a soft and kind presence. She hands me a spare textbook that was sat on her table, making sure Jessie sees everything. I just hope he can see through her false appearance. 

"You can use this one." She says, with a fake but innocent smile plastered on her smug face.

Jessie glances up at me for a split second and gives me a warming and re-assuring smile.

Great, he already thinks Layla's soooo nice.

I take the textbook anyway before stumbling as fast as possible back to my desk, realizing that almost everyone's eyes are glued to me.

Everyone's looking, judging.

Sitting back down, I try to ignore the negative voice playing in my head. Like a broken record stuck on loop. 

Instead, I begin to answer the questions, keeping my eyes on the paper, I try to ignore the burning stares before I notice something poking out of the book.

The note is vibrant pink and the delicate writing is in a midnight black. My eyes scan over it when finally, my anxiety is spiked and fear rages within.

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