Chapter twenty-six

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Sorry for taking forever to update! I'm so so sooooo busy with exams at the moment that all I see when I close my eyes is Pythagoras, square roots and key individuals in medicine through time. 

But here you go! Enjoy! xoxo


Why is it that time slows down when you're waiting for something? For example: Waiting for the whole day to be over with so I can crawl back into my little hole. But, every time I glance at the ticking clock, it's hardly moved an inch.

I hate it when time slows down. It makes me fidgety, a feeling of butterflies in my stomach. However, they aren't fluttering nicely in my stomach, instead it's like someone's given them a crap ton of caffeine and they're all flying at a million miles per hour.

I can't help but feel sick.

The voices of the people around me go into a low hum, I can't make out any distinct words. The window behind my chair lets in enough cold air to send a chill down my spine, but not enough to stop the nervous sweat and heat rising within.

A girl in front, one that I see often but we have never exchanged words, looks over her shoulder at me. Surprisingly she looks concerned.

Don't let anyone know. Don't let them see you panic. They'll only laugh.

I tear a bit of paper out of my book and start to write down each sensation I'm feeling. The cold sweats, the butterflies and the sound being blurred. I note it all.

In the corner of my eye I notice the girl turn back to face the front, probably convinced I'm okay now that it looked like we are doing work.

Although I'm surprised she wasn't worried by the fact that we are in maths class and I'm sat here writing paragraph after paragraph with no numbers in sight.

My hearing slowly comes back and more words can be made out. Most of the words coming from the popular and their over-share of their personal life.

The class-room door opens and everyone, including myself turns to see who it is.

When you're sat bored in class it's fascinating how something as simple as a door opening catches everyone's attention but the teachers.

I recognise the girl from somewhere, her light brown hair and the nervous way she walks. It's like she's trying to be confident but failing massively.

The girl strolls over to Layla and leans over; I'm too far away to hear her words.

After a little bit of annoyed whispering between the two, I notice Layla hand over a key and the girl who I now recognise from the café turns to make a swift exit.

 Once the bell rings I'm out of there. I rush through the halls like a curved bullet, curving around every obstacle until I reach the closet.

Turning the light on, I notice the empty packet of cookies that me and Jessie ate a while ago.

I never did find out why he was crying that day.

Sitting down, I reach in for the current book I'm reading. After finishing a high fantasy novel, I decided to read a contemporary next. I find contemporaries a little less... Stressful.

I'm just about to start reading when I'm rudely interrupted by Jessie slamming the closet door open.

"Did you see what I saw?"

I don't hold back on my annoyed facial expression.

"Zienna, the girl from the café!" He shouts, a little bit of his curly hair falling in front of his face, he blows it out the way.

"Shh! You don't want everyone to hear or they might find this place." I pause. "What about Zienna?"

"She has Laylas keys!"

I shoot him a questioning look.

"Oh Maddie, I thought you would have known what a chance for revenge would look like if it stared you in the face."

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