Chapter 9. Talk.

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It had been a few weeks since Harry's death. A lot had happened. Leah and Seth phased into the pack not long after our phone call. The Cullen's came back to their dear Bella and were planning on turning her. Jacob was a hot mess, completely depressed because Bella chose Edward. I personally think she made the wrong choice. But I'm also glad she made that choice. I don't know if Jacob would still even talk to me if she chose him. 

Princess Bella got Edward back and I haven't seen her since. I'm not going to say that's a bad thing, I never liked her from the moment I heard she hit Paul. Who goes around just hitting people like that? Maybe I should just hit her and teach her a lesson. 

Then apparently a few days ago there was a miss-hap with the Cullen's and the Pack, apparently they were both chasing the vampire and Paul had to stop Emmett from coming onto our land or something like that. It's hard to keep up with all the rules. So Paul attacked Emmett instead of chasing the vamp and Sam is not happy. 

Just recently there was a vampire in Bella's house and now they're taking turns to sit out the front and watch for vampires.  

I mainly know all this because I'm the one Jacob goes to to talk. He comes and visits me at night and we lay down and talk. He told me I'm the only one he is comfortable telling this stuff to. I blame the imprint thing, that's probably why he feels comfortable telling me.   

I made my way, lazily up the stairs to my room after a very long day. I've been at school alone a lot lately and it was tough. Leah was mainly skipping just because she wanted to and the others were flat out trying to protect Bella. 

  I turned on the light and nearly screamed. Jacob was standing by my window shirtless, staring at me.  

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you climbing in Bella's window?" No that was not jealousy talking. Just a topic of conversation.

"Because I like your window better" He went over and laid on my bed. This has been somewhat of a routine for a while now. He climbs in my window, lays on my bed and tells me everything about Bella and the pack. "I don't know why she keeps going back to him" Him being Edward of course. "Surely it can't be comfortable sleeping next to him. He's rock hard and freezing cold"

"As apposed to rock hard and boiling hot?"

"Are you complaining?" I shook my head and laid down next to him. "Anyway, the stupid bloodsucker hasn't showed up again. It's becoming a bit of a waiting game" 

"You know the vampire won't come near the house with you guys being there?"

"Yeah but hopefully they come to see if we're protecting her or not and we can get the scent and kill it before it gets away" I rolled onto my side to face Jacob, leaning on my elbow.

"Okay, that's good in theory but who's to say this wasn't the vampires plan? To distract you all. get you all looking one way so they can come around and attack from behind?" Jacob gave me a look that I can only pin point as admiration. He liked that I was strategizing with him. "You could be playing right into their master plan"

"Vampires aren't that smart"

"I know vampires are a sore spot Jake but they're not dumb, obviously, just look at what the Cullen's have built for themselves and how they've gone this long without being detected"

"Whatever" Jacob frowned and looked at the roof, refusing to meet my gaze "I wasn't aware you were a Cullen lover too" Did he just compare me to Bella? Did he really just put us in the same boat.

"Obviously you don't know much about me, maybe if you tried to spend time with me instead of Bella then you'd know I would never pick vampires over you guys, no matter how nice they are" I threw the covers back and moved across the room to Mason's cot. Not that he was in it, Paul had him again tonight. "Why are you even here Jacob? Why don't you just go sit outside Bella's house?"

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