Chapter 24. Redemption?

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"What are we doing here Jacob?"

"Whether we like it or not we're imprints"

"Wow Jacob you're really selling yourself here" Jacob grabbed my hand and helped me down another steep step. Jacob kidnapped me today because he said he wanted to redeem himself. We started at the top of the cliffs and have made our way down from there. So far this isn't my idea of a romantic date. I hate exercise, everyone knows that. 

There was no way I could have ever made it this far if I were still human. I placed my hands on Jacob's shoulders as he picked me up by my waist and placed me down next to him.

I've never been the most athletic person. I hate exercising, this wasn't really my idea of a great date. Jacob told me this was going to be fun, this isn't my idea of fun. The loud crashing of the waves meters below me didn't help my nervousness. I quickly caught my balance before I slipped. I know I could probably survive if I fell to the bottom of the cliffs but it still wouldn't be fun. 

"Ta Daa" I jumped down the last rock and had to stop my jaw from dropping. Jacob had brought me to a cave at the bottom of the cliffs. "I think I'm one of the first people to find this. It looks untouched" That didn't surprise me a all, the climb down here was dangerous, no one else would probably survive it. I followed Jacob over some tall rocks and dropped onto the soft sand. "This can be our place" 

"Jacob... It's not that simple. You can't just bring me to this place and claim it as 'ours' and we're good again" 

"I know, but it's a start. Right?" I guess so. There's something inside of me screaming to forgive him and it's taking all my strength not to just jump into his arms and kiss him and tell him I forgive him. But there's another side of me that I'm choosing to listen to and it's telling me that I don't deserve what he put me through.

"I waited for you. I was excited to see you. I missed you so much when you left that it made me want to cry all the time, I couldn't wait for you to get home... And then you came back and all that I felt was anger and frustration. I think maybe the imprint pull made me want you more the further away you got and then, when we were reunited, the pull wasn't as desperate and I could think clearer. I don't know how it works and I wish it didn't so I could think clearly all the time-"

"You wish you weren't my imprint" If I'm being honest... I feel like maybe if it were someone like Embry instead then I wouldn't hurt so much all the time. It would be so much easier. I sat down on the sand and pulled my legs to my chest. 

"I just feel like it shouldn't be this hard for us to want to be together" Jacob joined me on the sand putting his arm around me. The warmth was comforting, it always is. 

"I think  the fact that we're making all this effort means something, doesn't it?... Till death do us part right?" Jacob stuck out his pinky finger.

"Till death do us part" I connected my pinky finger to his. "You're not allowed to run away anymore" He shook our pinky fingers again.

"Deal. And you have to give me a chance" I hesitantly nodded and shook our fingers. It felt like such a childish thing to do but if this is what I have to do to get his full attention and stop him from running away then this is what I'm going to do.

"Deal" I suppose I can try to give him another chance. 

"I will hold up my part, I swear to you. I will fight for you. I love you"

"I really hope so Jacob"complete

In the back of my mind I feel like I may be giving in too easily but I can't help it. He makes me feel complete when I'm with him. I think I just need to go cuddle my baby boy and try not to regret my decisions.

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