Chapter 33. Surprise.

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"I don't think I can love anyone more than I love you" I continued to draw circles on Paul's chest. We were laying in the back of his truck, parked in a clearing covered by only a blanket. "I will never imprint" Paul shifted us so he was hovering over me "It'll be you and me, forever"

"Don't make promises you can't keep Paul" I moved my hands into his hair and twirled my fingers. We both knew he could imprint at any moment, he could make eye contact with someone tomorrow and he wouldn't be mine anymore.

"I want to keep that promise though. I want it to just be us. You me and little Lucas"

"Lucas? I don't think so. I like Matthew" Paul kissed down my chest and stopped at my  barely pregnant belly "Or Oliver" He stopped and screwed up his face.

"Definitely not. I like Jamie" Jamie was the name of his favorite actor. I shook my head. 

"Jamie is nice but it doesn't feel right" I said. Paul continued to place kisses all over my belly, covering every inch.

"What about Mason?" I gasped sitting up right. That was it.

"Did you feel that?" Paul nodded not being able to keep the grin from his face "He kicked. That was the first time he's kicked"  I was almost crying Paul Grabbed my face and crushed our lips together in a passionate kiss.

"Mason"  We both whispered at the same time. He kissed me again and again. 

"I love it. Almost as much as I love you Liv" Paul leaned back and shouted at the top of his lungs "Woo! That's my boy in there!" I sat up and leaned my back against the back window of the car, pulling the blanket up to cover my body. "I'm gonna be a dad! We're gonna be parents!" 

"Paul stop!" I stretched up and grabbed his waist pulling him back towards me "You sound insane"

"I don't care, I love you and I love this baby and I want the world to know"


"Mason!" I shot up but quickly fell back down and screamed in pain. Where was he? Was he okay? Where was my baby?

"Liv don't move, you shattered your ribs, collarbone and your hip bone. You also cracked open your skull and lost a lot of blood so you're not healing as fast as you normally would. Carlisle set all your bones and taped you up but you need to lay very still" Paul looked over and made sure Mason was still sleeping before coming over to me whispering. "Carlisle will be here soon. He told us yesterday that your head isn't bleeding anymore, and your skull felt closed over so that's good, that should speed up your healing"

"How long was I out? How are you? How is Mason?"

"Almost 2 days, we're both fine. I was able to shield Mason from any damage but landed myself a lot of shards of glass lodged into my skin, Carlisle was able to remove all the shards and I'm all good now. I was only out for a few hours. You seemed to have gotten the worst of it. You were lucky you were close enough for Edward to read your thoughts, he heard it happen" I looked around taking in the room around me. It was mine. I was home.

"Why am I in my own bed?"

"We demanded you were on our territory while you were so vulnerable, since it was a vampire that caused the accident, we didn't want to take any chances. Carlisle assured us the vamp, Alistair, isn't with them anymore. He has gone back to England"

I tried to prop myself up against my headboard but it was painful. 

So hip, head, collarbone and ribs. Perfect. Hurry up and heal body, I need to be out of this stupid bed. 

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