Chapter 13. Meetings.

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"Perfect" Alice sprayed my hair with something that I couldn't even pronounce. She had been so nice to me last night, they all had and this morning and Rosalie had joined us last night and we really got talking. Mainly about Mason, and I even learnt about how they were turned. 

We'd talked about a lot. And even Emmett and Jasper joined us at some point and filled me in on their stories as well. 

I don't remember what time  I fell asleep but it feels like I only had an hour or two. Which is not what I need right now that I have to face the pack today.

"Thank you Alice" Everything I'd heard about them was a lie. I heard that they were typical vampires and they were monsters but they're not. 

I pulled on some of Alice's jeans she let me borrow, a shirt, a jacket and some black boots. 

I don't know if it's the fact that I didn't have much sleep but I felt like absolute shit. I felt hot and sick, like I was going to vomit. 

"Come on, Esme is waiting" Alice linked arms with me and rushed me down stairs to the kitchen. 

"Good morning sunshine!" I walked into the kitchen and was surprised by everyone and the biggest feast of food. "Eat up, you're almost skin and bone" Esme ushered me to the table and sat with me. 

"I thought vampires didn't eat?"

"We don't, this is mainly leftovers from the party last night" Rosalie admitted. I'll take that. Any food will be good right now. It's been ages since I ate last. I haven't eaten since I had a few of Paul's fries for dinner. 

"So we have to meet the pack soon to go over fighting strategies for the newborns, do you want to join us?" I have no idea what they are talking about with the newborns. But I guess I have to return sometime. Especially since my son is with them. Next time I run away I'll have to take him with me. 

"You're welcome here anytime when you want to escape. Especially if you bring Mason, Rosalie would love to cuddle him, a fair warning though, they will spoil him" There goes Edward again reading my mind, it didn't feel so invasive this time though.

"You'd bring him here?" Rosalie appeared in front of me looking very cheerful. I nodded my head shoving more food in my mouth.

"Of course I would, you've given me no reason to not trust you"I half smiled then shoved in more food. Wow, I can really put it away today.

"In that case you can come back whenever, come back tonight if you want to" I nodded at Rosalie's enthusiasm, I have a feeling Mason would love her, she would have been a great mum. 

"I'll bring him when I get my next break from the soldiers guarding me. I promise" Rosalie looked like she wanted to cry, but instead pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you" Edward whispered to me. 

"Are you okay dear? you look a little down" I nodded to Esme giving her a smile. No I didn't feel okay but they don't need to take on anymore of my problems than they already have. 

Edward slid some pain killers across the table and I gave him a silent thank you. Hopefully this will get rid of my headache. 

"Alright kids let's go" Carlisle started rushing everyone out "We don't want to keep them waiting" I grabbed a few sandwiches and went after them. I was riding with Rosalie, Emmett and Alice. Edward had to go pick up Bella so he was coming later. It didn't take very long to get there. We stopped in a clearing area in the middle of the forest. 

I recognized it, I had been here with Paul a few times when we would sneak out. 

"You're stressing" Jasper stated. He was right. I was freaking out over how the pack will react when they see me with the Cullen's. They hate the Cullen's and I just spent a night their house hanging out with them. I was dead. And I bet I'll hear all about how I just left without even thinking of Mason. I didn't even think. I just felt like I needed to get out of there. I needed to get away from all the drama and stress. "Now you're stressing even more" Jasper chuckled.

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