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Dallas was excited to be home, she was excited to actually shower and sleep in her own bed but most of all she was excited to see Lyric. I'm not going to pretend that I understand what my wife has been going through this last week and I know it's been anything but easy on her.

I think now that Dallas is home I'm finally going to be able to sleep. I've been too worried about my wife and my daughter to even think about sleeping. Now that one of them is home I might finally be able to sleep.

My wife walks out of the bathroom with her hair still damp from the shower. She's wearing jeans, no socks, and a Seattle Seahawks sweater. Dallas walks up to where I'm sitting on the end of the bed and takes my face in her tiny hands. She looks me dead in the eye and runs her thumbs gently across the dark circles under my eyes. Dallas frowns before brushing her lips on mine.

"Nikki, you need to sleep." She whispers. "I can call Mack and get him to run me up to the children's hospital, you could sleep."

"No way." I state. "I want to see you when you see our baby daughter for the first time, I'm not going to miss that for the world."

"Baby." My wife complains and I smile.

"We'll come home after seeing our daughter then I'll sleep." I promise her. "I need you beside me, I need to know that you're safe." I explain and a small smile crosses my wife's face.

"I kinda love you, Nikki Sixx." Dallas tells me and I drag her down onto my lap.

Dallas' stormy grey eyes lock on mine again and I can't help but smile. These are the eyes that the two people I love most on this planet share. I didn't think I could love eyes so much but Dallas' and Lyric's are my absolute favourite.

"I love you so much, Dallas Marianne Sixx." I whisper and kiss her cheek. "You want to go meet our daughter?"

"It's all I've wanted for the past week." She admits and grabs my hand. "Let's go."


Nikki and I walk down the stairs but we get cut off by people walking into the back door, Tommy and Vince. We hear them before we actually see them.

"Hey! Look at this." Vince yells at Tommy.

"That must be the baby...Christ, he's small." Tommy admits and the singer sighs.

"It's a girl, Dallas and Nikki told us that." He reminds the drummer. "Let's go find Nikki, we haven't really seen much of him lately."

"His wife and baby are in the hospital, are you really blaming him?" Tommy wonders.

"Of course not, I'm just worried about him." Vince admits.

In the next second they're walking into the living room where Nikki and I are. They both look at us for a second before it actually registers with us who we are.

"Dolly! You're home!" Tommy almost yells and tights me tightly.

"T-Bone, she has stitches." Nikki warns and Tommy releases his grip.

"Oh shit, are you okay?" The drummer apologizes.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I promise them and Nikki grabs my hand.

"So what's going on? Are you going to be okay?" Vince wonders.

"I can't lift too much but other than that I'll be okay." I explain.

"What about the baby?" Tommy wonders cautiously.

"It's, uh, still not looking perfect but she's strong." Nikki explains and squeezes my hand. "We're actually going to see her right now."

"Oh! Have you seen her yet?" Vince wonders and I shake my head. "Oh! Go, we'll catch up with you guys later."

"Dakota, Caroline, and the kids all want to see you too." Tommy says and I nod.


I lead my wife through the hospital halls and into the room our baby is in. There's paintings of baby animals on the walls leading to the baby's room. Dallas always said something about always wanting to paint at a children's hospital.

We walk up to the room that reads Lyric Marianne Sixx in pretty pink letters on the white door. There's cut outs of butterflies and ducklings, it's cute. I go to walk into the room but my wife doesn't move.

Dallas is blankly staring at the door and she keeps drawing in shaky breathes.

"Baby?" I ask and she forces her smile.

"I feel like my heart is going to jump out of chest." Dallas whispers and I kiss her knuckles.

"She's going to be so happy to see you." I tell her. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." She breathes out.

We walk through the door and Dallas lays her eyes on our daughter for the first time. Lyric has been in this big glass box, I think it's called in incubator. She looks so tiny in the box, she's probably about the size of a football. Our little girl is hooked up to six million machines.

"Oh my god." Dallas whispers as tears fill her eyes.

Dallas creeps up to the incubator and I sit down on the stool, I pull my wife into my lap and she just watches our baby. Tears are rolling down her cheeks and I gently wipe them away.

"Baby, we can touch her." I whisper and open the little door.

Dallas slowly sticks her hand in the little box and gently touches our daughter's arm. Lyric's hand wraps around Dallas' pinkie and she starts to cry again.

"I'm sorry, baby girl." Dallas cries. "I'm so sorry that I couldn't hold you inside of me. I'm sorry I couldn't be strong enough for you."

"Dallas, baby, it's not your fault." I promise her and she shakes her head.

"Nikki, it is. I couldn't keep her inside of me and that's why she's in this position." She whispers. "It's all my fault that Lyric is in this hospital."

"Dallas." I whisper and kiss her cheek.

"I'm a bad mom." She mumbles.

"You're not even close, baby." I promise her.

"This is real, she's not going to be okay, is she?" Dallas wonders.

"Don't say that, we both know she's strong." I remind her. "She's half you and half me, she's strong and stubborn as hell." I tell her and she laughs a bit. "See?"

"She'll be okay." She smiles.

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