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My name is Amelia Elissea,
But i prefur to be called Lia,
Amilia is just too girly for me

I am known as "The Star"

I love roller blades,skate boards,any kind of sports,etc.etc.

And the #1 thing that makes me really nuts are ANIMALS!!!!!!!!

I really really LOVE ANIMALS!!!

Lia's POV.

I'm skating inside my room because i want to do something cool.....until

"AMILIA!!!!!!!!!!"mom called me from the living room

"What is it!?MOM!?"

"Come here!?"she commanded and i did what she said

but when i got there,i got a little scared!because mom is there,dad too and even my sister Viv!

OH NO!!!that can only means!



My name is Vivian Elissea,
But my friends calls me Viv,

I'm known as "The Fighter"

I love playing soccer,video games,cats,ect.ect.

And i really really really LOVE EATING SWEETS

Viv's POV.

I'm playing video games in the living room,just chilling and doing nothing but this.....well until mom and dad showed up and unpluged the system!

then they called my sister Lia,making me very uncomfortable on the couch

When Lia showed up,she felt what i am feeling too and out of nowhere she shouted


then i looked at mom and she is serious and so does dad

"Amelia,we have to.."



Dad shoutedly said,making Lia quiet and mom continued

"Amelia,we know that you and Vivian really liked it here,but we have to move.."

"But why?" I asked with sadness on the face

"Because your dad and i got a new job and it's really really far from here"

"Ok,but where are we moving exactly?"

Lia questioned them and she is very serious about it,then dad spoke

"To Cornbury"

Lia's POV.

After that,me and Viv huddle up to have a little conversation

"So what do you think?"

Viv question making me think

"*thinks* i guess it's alright!and don't worry it's still summer vacation i'll have some time to research about that Cornbury,Ok"

I said to her with a big smile,then she gave me a smile too


Viv's POV.

After that sister huddle up,we turned to mom and dad

"Dad,me and Lia are ok about moving"

"Really!that's great we will move next week"

They said,making me and Lia scream

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