"WHAT THE WHAT?!" part 1

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Hi everyone,sorry if this chapter took so long so to make it up i'll make this a 3000+ words chapter and i'm making it part 1 & 2 so it will be very very long,There will be so much drama,comedy,romance and ACTION!!
Now let's begin reading!!!

Shope's POV.

Can't believe that we have to spy on our new neighbor that we actually don't know, because Mem and Zen didn't tell us what they're name was they just said that they're our new neighbor which shocked us well except Kevin who actually knew one of them...

Right now we are at our new neighbor's bushes, spying on their every move and it's tiring!!

They haven't done anything but sleep,watched TV, eats so many different kinds of chips, drinks sodas, go to the bathroom and play video games.Me and Tyler are bored because of all this while Kevin and the Roach are actually enjoying it.

"I can't believe that we have to spy on them, and why are we doing this?!Have they done something wrong?!"

I heard Tyler whine/questions and why wouldn't he, we've been spying on them for a week!! And instead of preparing for the first day of school that's 4 days away we're here and spying on our new neighbors!!!

"Guys i think that they're doing something!!!"

Kevin yelled and turned his battleball into a telescope and looked at our neighbor's window making us do what he did.

Then we saw the girls that we're spying on and they are talking/whispering with each other and took something from their bags,i think? And they left their house..

"What are they going?!"

Kevin asked while looking at us then Roach answered for us

"Maybe they are going shopping for some stuff they needed for their first day of school here!!"

"No that's not it"

I said and Kevin whispered so no one but only us four can hear

"Well,we might as well follow them to make sure!!"

Then he spyly sneak out from the bushes and sneak on them and because we didn't have a choice we also followed them.

Viv's POV.

Ok is it me or is somebody spying on us!? Because we really felt that we are being watched!!

We're being watch at home and even when we're outside!! Me and Lia are going to the mall to shop for our new school supplies but i couldn't help but shiver in discomfort because of the stalkers

I shiver in every seconds but Lia's just cool with it, she's cool as a cucumber.

"Viv, what do you need for your school supplies!?"

I forgot to mention that Lia is writing on her notepad all of the things we needed, she's really prepared for anything!! She's basically an adult in a kid's body since she acts like one in times like this but childish in a way. I thought about it for a moment while we're walking and answered her question.

"I think i need some ball pen, papers, notebooks, pencils, erasers, rulers, makers and crayons"

Then she listed all of what i said on her notepad and looked at me before she spoke.

"Is that all? What i mean is that we can buy more stuff if you what"

"Oh uh? Sure, but you can choose for me"

"Ok and you need a new bag for school caz.your old bag is broken so we're gonna shop for some new one"

"Can i pick the color? Because remember last time you've picked?"

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