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Lia's POV.

I can't believe that we are moving...AGAIN!!!

Mom and dad promised that Cornbury is our last home and we aren't gonna move again...

Ok i'm in our car and we're still traveling,i had my laptop on my lap and researching about Cornbury.....well all i've learned is that Cornbury is just like any other place but it has............SUPERHEROES!!!SQEEEEE!!!!!

Yeah!pretty cool!i'm actually into superheroes!!!

I researched a little more because it's getting interesting

then i saw a picture of them and they had this really cool pose and they looked awesome with there suits...

And they each have their own color,i think the leader is the blue hero,the purple is...the only girl,the green one is very funny and.......the RED HERO IS VERY CUTE!! Wait what!?I can't have a crush!! I HATE!!!!AND REALLY REALLY HATE!!!!LOVE!!!!!!

Because of the excitement i woke Viv up making her grumpy

"Hey!what's the big idea"

When she said that she punched my arm

"Hey!don't punch me!'

"Then why did you-"

I quickly covered her mouth because she's a fast talker

"Ok i'll let go slowly if you promise to stop talking because you are a fast talker!Ok?"

She nodded then i slowy let go of my hands then continued to talk

"Ok,so i reseacrhed Cornbury and it's pretty cool.."

"What do you mean pretty cool?"

I looked at her with alot of excitement on my face

"Viv!Our new home has.....SUPERHEROES!!"

And we both squealed


Viv's POV.

~we're at Cornbury~

Wow!i never thought that Cornbury is such a great place,and there are so many people i hope we could find new best friends here

When dad parked our car,i quicky got out then ran infront of our new house

"Wow!!!it's so big"

I said then Lia nodded happily then dad came with mom

"Yes!We bought a big house for our little growing girls"

They said,then some couple of guys interupted us

"Mr.and Mrs. Elissea where do you what to put this table?"

Then dad ran towards those guys and mom spoke to us

"Amelia,Vivian you should take your things inside the house before it gets dark"

"But mom it's 1:00 p.m."

She said then i spoke

"Oh sure"

Then she looked at me dangerously

"What's with that "oh sure" Viv?"

"Oh nothing it's just that you got more stuff than i do so it will take you about 4:00 to finish"

I ended then took my bags inside the house

Lia's POV.

I didn't realize that IT'S ALREADY 3:00,all of our furnitures are in our house and it's getting a little dark like the sky is turning orange,but the good thing is i only got 1 box left

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