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~a year ago ~

No one's POV.

Mem and Zen are at the Galacticus and drinking some iced tea while watching on the huge tv

Because the noobs are at their boring earth school,then XR4TI interupted Mem and Zen's relaxation.....

"The elders are calling,i will put them on hologram now"

And a hologram of the elders quickly appeared infront of them

"Memnock and Zenblock mentors of the earth warriors...."

General Blorgon said making Mem and Zen nervious and scared and he continued

"The benevolent alliances noticed that the earth warriors are getting better with their battleballs specially at their young age,that's why we decided to gave you two the 'malfunction battleballs' because even though that they are 'accident' they can handle such a responsibility,we hope that you will choose young but strong warriors again"

Then they teleported the 2 'malfunction battleballs' infront of Mem and Zen and the call ended

"XR4TI scan the battleballs if it's stable to be used by kids"

And XR4TI did what Mem said

"It's stable....."

Then Mem and Zen started yelling and shouting "YAY!!!!!"

"This will be a peace of earth cake"

Zen said and XR4TI continued

"I wasn't finished talking......"

And Mem and Zen looked at her shocked

"The battleballs are stable.....BUT there might be a little side effect on this battleball..."

And XR4TI showed Mem and Zen the _____ battleball

"What are we gonna do!? uh XR4TI!!!What side effect?!?!"

Mem questioned while Zen is checking the 2 battleballs

"These battleballs are called the 'malfunction battleballs' for a reason because sometimes it's hosts can't control it and some....DIES!!!Because of the poisonous chemical it's releasing to the host's DNA........don't worry because the benevolent alliance fixed it....but there is a 10% chance that this might happened to the _____ battleball"

XR4TI ended and Mem and Zen just jaw-dropped

"The elders wanted to recruit kids,so XR4TI are there kids who can handle this battleballs,someone who are young but good at fighting so they can handle tough situations on the battleballs and someone who is from here"

Zen questioned and XR4TI shows to them all of the kids who are strong on the huge tv

"The only strong kids here in Cornbury are Jessie,Jock and their friends"

"Isn't Jock the one who got infected first in Cornbury and i think he is the one bullying the noobs..."

Mem asked and Zen added

"And isn't Jessie the one who has a huge crush on Kevin,making Kevin scared and i think that she turned into a beast because of the virus"

Then XR4TI suggested

"I suggest that we shouldn't recruits 2 more warriors"


The two yelled in union

"Because there are no suitable kids for this battleballs and we can just wait for at least a year to recruit"

Then Mem and Zen agreed and they all made this a secret.....

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