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I wake up to see walkers gathered around my tree. There were like twenty of them, and more coming. I was surprised that I didnt wake up to their moaning and groaning. "crap!" i said looking around for an escape. I noticed that there was a power libe, just above me. I reached up and grabbed it and pulled myself onto it. With slo wmotions, i scooted along it towards a roof. Once i was just above the roof, i let go and it hard on it. "UFFF" i said taking the blow. I quickly made sure i had my back pack with all of my weapons and clothes. I got up and walked to the edge of the roof, scanning fo ra way to get down without attracting too many walkers, when I hear screams. Awful screams that make my ears ring."AHHHHHHHH" i hear a little girl scream. I look over and see a small group getting surronded by the walkers. "just my luck" i say as i get down from the roof, and killing walkers. The children in the group screamed more as i stabbed and hacked at the walkers. I took my axe out and began chopping away at their heads. As I killed the last walkers the group looked at me with wild eyes Mor ewalkers were coming toward us. "are we gonna get out of here or what?" i said as i jogged. I noticed one of the  women in the group having trouble picking up one of the kids. "i got it." i said as i scooped up the little kid. "let's go" I said as i jogged towards the alley."Over here girl" one of the men said pointing towards an rv. i turned and jogged onto it. I sat the girl down and sat down on the couch. "what is your name?' the little girl asked me. "katarina" i told her with a big smile. "thank you Katerina." A man with a crossbow said." Im daryl." "well Daryl, It's nice to meet you." I said with a kind smile. "yea Yea' He said trailing off. "My name is Lori." another woman said. "thank you so much for saving us." she said "no problem." i said. "this is carl, this is Rick and this is Carol." she said. "hello everyone" I said warmly 


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