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* ok guys so when you see this sign (the star thingy) that means im putting an authors note. Also, no one is telling me if they like my story:( im not gonna keep writing unless someone, at least one person, tells me they like it, and if u dont tell me why and how I could make it better. I really need feedback guys :( And if you see any errors just tell me where they are and i'll fix it thx and hope you guys like this chapter ;) ~ Maddie

I wake up with sweat dripping from my bed. Lori and Carol stand over me, tears have left clean trails through their dirty cheeks. A bright light blinds me as my eyes flutter open. I try and remember what happened. I sat down. The RV jerked sideways, but then what? My head throbbed, and the pain was extravagant. I ran my hand through my greasy, dirty hair. A bump, at the back of my head was huge. I could feel something on it, but I couldn't tell what it was. I slowly raised my body as Lori and Carol smiled. I struggled to get off of the torn bedding, but finally made it to my feet. My legs shook wildly, and Lori and Carol helped me walk. I looked around. Daryl an the others were no where to be sseen. This wasnt the RV. Grimy windows let in yellow tinted light. The dirty concrete floor had dried blood stains. Newspapers scattered the ground, and the wall read


"Where are we?" I stutter, as my eyes focus to the strange llighting. "When you were out cold, Rick lead us to his old police station." Carol said a she looked around. "The others are looking for food in the stores across the street. They told us to stay in this room, since they haven't looked around the building yet. Night will one soon, so they'll have to hurry." I nodded my head as Lori handed me a strawberry flavored granola bar. "Eat this." She said. I devoured it, as I was very hungry. I looked around once more to find my bag. I spotted it in a corner, covered with dirt. I jogged over to it a banged it against the wall, which shook almost all of the dirt onto the ground. I unzipped it and found all my weapons, including the knife that had went missing. I grabbed my machine gun, and got the magazine out.

* In case you don't know a magazine is the thing that holds the bullets in the gun.*

I only had 7 bullets left. I sighed and walked back over to Carol and Lori, putting on my knife holding jacket. "Im going to search the building. Stay here." I said handing them both large knives. Carol nodded as I opened a rusty door on the opposite side of the room. It slid open with a loud creak. I pulled my emergency flashlight out of my jacket and flicked it on. The beam cut streaks of white light through the darkness. The gun room was emptied, and all the lockers were closed. I banged the flashlight on one of the metal lockers to create a huge booming sound. "BOOM BOOM BOOM!" I regretted doing that right as I heard the moans and groans. I had expected one or two walkers, not 30. They came from every corner, trapping me in the middle. I shot 7 of them, but ran out of bullets. "CRAP!" i sscreamed. I couldn't run back into the room where Carol and Lori were, the walkers were already in front of the door. The walkers surrounded me, and there was no way out. I stabbed and hacked away at as many of them as I could, but it was no use. I realized that there was a small place between the lockers and the ceiling. With all my strength i lifted myself up onto the lockers as the walkers grabbed my clothes. I kicked them away and screamed for help. No reply. I thought about what I could do, because I wouldn't last long up here, the walkers could still reach me. I noticed one open locker on the opposite Side of the walkers. I was small, and the locker was fairly big, as it had to hold all of te police men's guns and things. I stabbe the few walkers in the way, and jumped to the ground. The walkers came from the corners just as I shut the locker door. Now what am I gonna do. I thought to myself.



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