chapter 32

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Master p.o.v
I’m going to love crushing her final hope.
“You see Lucy, Abigail is a member of my family, that doesn’t have magic…”I looked up to see Lucy looking at me confusion in her eyes “so this lovely machine that you just screamed to cause I turned it on….will slowly draw your magic out and flow into Abigail leaving you with nothing and Abigail with your magic.
But…there is one little detail that she doesn’t and shouldn’t know and knowing Reaper he won’t want to scare her.” I turn to see Reaper with his head down, guilt radiating off him. Good that means she doesn’t know, I turn back to Lucy, “you see… this could kill you and not work and well if it doesn’t work… then Abigail will be killed.”
The look of horror on Lucy’s face and the guilt coming from Reaper is very satisfying. I turn round to walk away.
“You’re not family,” I heard as I turned, I faced Lucy anger boiling.
“Sorry but she’s my blood!” this conversation is not going how I planned.
Lucy p.o.v
“she may be your blood, but she’s not your family. Family accept you for who you are, they don’t try to change you.
Family doesn’t have to be blood, yeah you’re related but you are not family...” I take a deep breath courage and hope coming back remembering that my family are here. ”Reaper and Abigail are family, they help each other but you... you’re just a bustard that only cares about power !” I screamed at the master him look if me straight in the eyes.
“So family what? Lucy” The Master started staying calm, no emotions showing on his face. “tell me you want to know where your family is? Where they’ve been for oh I don’t know the last 10 days that you’ve been here.” I look at him determined to stay calm. “you’re so called family Lucy have been in the guild... drinking, partying... forgetting all about you,” he’s smiling as if he thinks he’s won, he’s far from it.
“No their not,” I take a deep breath calm my nerves “ fairytail are here, looking for me. Even though I know it’s too late.” Tears are coming down my face but there not for me there for my family who have tried to help me even if they fail. “my family is Abigail and Reaper, my family is fairytail and we never... NEVER give up!” I finish looking the master in the eyes knowing that deep down my family are with me even if I’m Not with them for much longer.
Reaper looking up at me proud, but the Master... the Master is evil, I can feel the anger commit of him from here.
“Well guess what Lucy?” the master started doing stepping closer to me, closer to a dial box on the right. “ Your is too late, too late for you to be saved, and this...this is going to hurt you so much... and guess what I’m going to enjoy every single moment of it,” as he finished talking he turned the dial.
The runes are burning, I’m slowing sinking into the machine, I can taste blood from my lips as I’m holding in my scream.
The master walking away to the main controls in the middle, Reaper is following looking guilty but I don’t blame him.
I’m sorry Abigail, I’m sorry Reaper... I’m sorry I couldn’t save you guys.
I’m sorry fairytail for not trusting you sooner to tell you my fears.
I’m sorry spirits I hope you feel no pain.

Natsu...I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you sooner that...
That I love you

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