chapter 15

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Natsu, Gray and Erza looked up to see ………

Normal Pov.

so we have Lucy still captured with the time getting closer for the plan to be in action, Abigail and Reaper don’t want to  a part of this plan but have no choice with it, due to master. Abigail is doing her best to try and save Lucy and Lucy wants to help Abigail for she knows what I is like to be controlled  by a member of family, is fairy tail going to make it in time to save Lucy from the big master plan

Lucy POV

Something is going to happen soon I can tell, reaper came in to see if im alright.


“hey lucy how are you?” reaper asked and showing concern, why is he concerned he’s the one that brought me here.

“im fine, is everything  ok Reaper?”

“no im afraid not, imsorry for everthing that ive put you through and I  promise I will help get you out, this plan puts my family in danger as well as a really good friend of Abigail, Im so sorry lucy, im doing everything I can to put the plan off but master is not a very patient person, ive disabled the camera’s and the magic barriers so you can send your spirits out of here, if you want to, but go careful for the microphones are still intact and the barrier that I got blocking them to tell you this will disappear soon so please go careful on what you say ok?”

I looked up at him confused why he is telling me this

“one more thing Lucy, whatever happens when this starts if you can get out of here please get Abigail out of here, there already prepping her for this and I don’t want it to happen so please if fairy tail can get here in time then please try and save my sister.”

As soon as he said Sister I looked up and saw tears in his eyes I saw the real him not the one that put me in here.

“I will save her and if I can save you and with fairy tail we will stop this plan and take down your father…” I stepped towards him gave him a hug “I promise I will do anything to get her out and stop this plan from happening, but one question what is the plan?.....please tell me and ease my mind”

Suddenly there was a beeping, Reaper looked down to see his watch “thank you but try and save my sister before me, im afraid I cant tell you for there is only a few minuts left of the sound barrier then the mics will be back on….im sorry lucy but I got to go and be with Abigail just in case…thank you”

With that Reaper turned around and walked out locking the doors behind him something looks suspicious.

Flashback ended

I got some paper out of the draw, and called one of my spirits, reaper as right about the magic for it was a lot stronger then when I first got here.

“Hey Lucy.. You ok?, they haven’t hurt you or anything have they.” The spirt asked

“No they haven’t please calm down, I need your help though….before it is too late.” I said trying not to cry for this may not work and it could already be too late if they are preparing Abigail

“Sure…with what?” spirit looked up at me with worried eyes

I quickly wrote on the paper knowing he’ll read it as soon as I dismiss him; I shoved it in his hands

“I want you to talk to all my spirits tell them how grateful I am and well just thank them just in case please” I looked up telling him to play along

“Oh… off course Lucy I will go now, stay strong Lucy there is a way out I’m sure”

“I don’t know anymore. Just go and hopefully I’ll see you soon.” I hugged him then turned away knowing that he will go and do what the note says

Author note

please dont hate me....i know i havnt answered the last cliff hanger but i need you to see this for the next chapter to make sense.

but hey ive updated twice in one month that a record for  me.

please comment or message me what you think, you can even guess ho the mystery person is if you want i dont mind :-)

hope you enjoy

see you in the next update....dont know when it will be mind

Rachel :-)

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