Chapter 44

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Lucy P.O.V

I opened my eyes slightly to see Aquarius and Virgo take Abigail to the spirit world, good they remember the promise. I let out a pained relieved shy.

She safe that's all I ask, she didn't need to be involved in this, fairytail don't need to be involved in this, but I know I'm going to need them later.

I closed my eyes again, pain slowly going through my body, Loki knows what he must do, I'll know when it's time but right now I'm useless. Before I can do anything fairytail need to be safe. There here I know it but there going to get hurt.

I move my eyes down to see Scorpio... there one thing left to do and this is going to hurt more than what The Master puts me through but I need to protect them.

"Now Scorpio, and please don't look back," I whispered knowing that he's stood there for that reason, waiting for my signal. He may not hear me but he'll see my lips move and the slight nod of my head. Please guys please go get fairytail safe and don't look back as looking back causes more pain for all of us.

Natsu P.O.V

The Master looks scared... but that didn't last long

"he he ha ha!" he's laughing why is he laughing. I looked around at fairytail quickly and they look just as confused as me.

"why are you laughing? Your surrounded?" I questioned him, feeling more confused is this guy crazy.

He looked up straight at me "Ahh but you see... I'm not "he started my team mates and family are just as confused as I am, I noticed Loki give me a keep him going signal what the hell is going on here.

"because you guys haven't got enough magic to take me down, you used your last bit of magic to get away from the wall but in till I say so... may magic is stuck in you blocking your magic." He said finally explaining why he's laughing.

Loki mouthing to me relax why would I be relax if he's got a plan now would be a good time for it.

"He's right" I heard behind me I half turned to see it was levy talking, keeping an eye on The Master he has a smirk on his face but he doesn't look like he's going to move.

"what you mean Levy?" I asked needing it conformed from my family not the enemy.

"it's a forbidden magic and in till he either weakens, loses focus or just plain knock out where suck," she said looking me straight in the eyes so I know she not messing with me.

I look down in defeat, sorry lucy nut I don't know how to help.

"LOKI NOW!!" what the I turned to find all of us bar The master and Lucy all of us in the spirit world, anger bubbles in me.

"LOKI!!! What did you do?" I said facing him, anger showing on my face. Gray and Erza are holding me back. Probably to stop me from hitting him

He looks down and sighed, I calmed down finally seeing how exhausted the spirits are, this is hurting them as well as us.

"I'm sorry guys but she made me promise" Loki answered still looking down.

"Loki?" I heard master Makarov behind me "what's her plan?"

Lucy what did you make them do.

Loki P.O.V

I knew they would hate this but lucy knew what he could do, I got to help them before they can help her.

"Lucy made us promise that when the time came that we would get you guys, Abigail and Reaper out and safe, knowing that you would come, and what The Master powers are". I looked straight at Natsu when saying the next part "she also says she has a plan and that you're not to return till your magic comes back."

"Loki?" I heard on the left I turned to see Abigail holding Plue for comfort, holding him how lucy would.

I sigh knowing what she going to ask and her brother not going to like this knowing the risk we took.

"yes Abigail" I face her fully to see Reaper with her

"when did she plan this?" I look down knowing that she was going to ask this but how do I answer.

"Loki when did she plan this?" Her voice getting a tone higher, I looked at Reaper and I knew straight away that he knew my answer.

"no... no please tell me that you two didn't do this after I gave you the map, please tell me you dint risk the cameras coming back on and blowing all this for nothing!" Reaper exclaimed to me knowing that we took a big risk and could have put all of us in more danger than needed.

"yes" I answered looking straight at reaper, daring him to interrupt me.

"now let me explain... after you left giving me the map yes, I came back here, and when you left I reappeared but I reappeared roughly when the camera came back on because before you came in lucy was about to summon me so if I didn't come back it would look suspicious. When I came back Lucy gave me a hug, for comfort and whispers the plan in my ear, knowing that me protesting would trigger the mics and draw attention there was nothing I could do. When she hugged me, she made me make a promise to get you all out and to keep you safe, she figured out who you where Reaper." Taking a deep breath, I noticed everyone attention on me so I carried on.

"that day Reaper you had your guard down, she saw your true eyes, the eyes that look like your mothers, the eyes you hide to protect yourself and Abigail, she knew who you were and wanted you all safe. She knew you would all be defenceless... even Fairytail so she made all of us promise to keep her nakama safe, and we've been trying to do that since all this got for a better saying out of hand." I finished off looking around at everyone finishing at Natsu.

"I'm not staying here" Natsu said looking straight at me fist slightly shaking through anger.

I had a smug grin on my face.

"trust me where not keeping you here... we promised Lucy to Keep you safe but we didn't promise her to keep you from saving her, and deep down she knows this," I finished my grin turning to a smirk.

"you mean... we can go back" Wendy asked now standing next to Natsu.

"yes Wendy, where all going back," I answered.

"all of us," I heard to my right i turn to see Abigail, determination showing on her face.

"all of us Abigail... Lucy is brave and thoughtful but she never thinks about herself so were all going back." I turn back to fairytail.

"but there one little problem first," I said.

"what's that?" Natsu ask slowly calming down know he knows where going back.

"we need to get your magic unblocked and if I know Lucy, she's already started fighting The Master,"

"Lucy's trapped though" Erza ask, really after everything she makes that statement, I'm about to answer but Master Makarov beat me to it.

"Children...Children, it's lucy, she's fighting even when she's down, now Loki let's get our magic back" he answered facing me.

I give a nod and take a deep breath,

"Natsu you first, because we used you to break the magic barrier you will be easiest to get back, and you can be the first to help her and if were not too late save her."

Natsu faced me

"let's go I'm all fired up!"

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