chapter 1

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"Hey Lucy," said Natsu as Lucy walked through the doors of FairyTail guild, "oh...hey Natsu."

"Are you ok Lucy? You look down." Happy asked.

"I'm fine It's just the snow reminds me of my mom she loved the snow so it makes it harder for me to cope that's all," Lucy answer holding back a few tears.

"How about I take you to the winter fair tomorrow to help make you feel better?" Natsu suggested.

"Are you sure that's a good idea Natsu with your motion sickness...."

"I'll survive as long as it cheers you up and make you laugh," Natsu cut Lucy off during her statement "so tomorrow we spend the day at the winter fair?"

"Ok I guess it won't hurt" Lucy answer Natsu without even realising that she just agreed to go out on a date with Natsu on a date with a guy she had a crush on since she joined FairyTail, "Check with me later ok?" Lucy asked.

A few hours later Lucy was at the bar talking to Mira-jane when a question was asked that surprised Lucy.

"So you and Natsu are going on a date tomorrow Lucy?"

"WHAT! why would you think that he's just trying to cheer me up that's all," Lucy trying to hide the shock in her voice.

"OH come on Lucy... surely you can see that Natsu likes you," Erza interrupted.

Lucy looked over at Erza to see her in a snow armour.

"Wow you really don't like the cold do you?" Lucy asked.

"DON'T change the subject!" Erza evilly glared at Lucy for trying to get out of the conversation, "what I mean is, haven't you noticed how worried he gets when your hurt or that every time you walk through those doors he blush for a few your insignia is the same colour of his hair like mine is the same colour of Jella hair when I first met him and to be honest I like him a lot......CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lucy turns back to Mira-jane. "Do you think she right? That is before she got distracted by cake"

"To be completely honest" Mira-jane started "I do so I suggest you go home look for a nice warm outfit for tomorrow...and don't go saying you don't like him because I know you do,"

Lucy suddenly blushed thinking of the time Natsu saved her, cheered her up, even got her into FairyTail making her feel like she belongs

"I think I love him" she whispered though she knows Erza and Mira-jane heard her due to their smiles.

"I'm going to go before it gets too late.......bye guys," Lucy says as she walks out

"Wait...Lucy so the winter fair tomorrow?" Natsu asked trying to hide a blush.

"Sure I would like that Natsu......see you tomorrow my place?" Lucy answered "But please for once, please don't break in for food how about you come round at ten tomorrow morning?"

""Gray hits Natsu across the head "sure and I promise not to break in or try not to anyway." Natsu answered

"That's all I ask." Lucy replied, as she headed home to get ready for the next day.

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