Chapter Eight

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"I'VE DONE IT!! I'VE FIXED THE COMMUNICATOR!!!" Ivy exclaimed happily, making everyone in the room jump in shock.

"Now we can go and get Phil back in here" Ivy pressed the communicator's button, and the screen on the computer turned on. Everyone saw Phil, with a sad expression on his face.

"Phil?" Smiley tried to get Phil's attention. But it looked like he didn't even notice her.

"What's he so sad about?" Smiley asked. Ivy shrugged. "I'll get his attention"

Ivy took a deep breath in, then...

"PHIIIIIL EGGTREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ivy screamed at the mic to get Phil's attention. And it kinda did.

"AARGH!!!!!!" Phil backed away, and stared at his watch (communicator)

"IVY!?" Phil exclaimed.

"Finally" Ivy rolled his eyes and stared back at Phil. "Why did you look so sad first, you know, a while ago?" He asked.

"....You all need to know this" Phil told everyone, everything that happened when he was gather information. Everyone looked shocked, and some saddened by the news.

"Do you wish to come back? I mean, you're probably tired and all..." 

"No. Just teleport me in another memory. This one is too sad" Phil told everyone.

"Uh... very well" Ivy looked back at Sore and Gabe, and they nodded. He pressed the button on the teleporter, and the screen on the computer turned blank for a bit.




"Oof!!! Do these landings always have to hurt?!" Phil thought to himself. He got up and looked around. Everything looked a bit old, but it looked like the same neighborhood.

"Oookay.... so I'm back here" Phil began walking around the place. He saw some aliens, some looked familiar, some don't. But they all looked older. Maybe, most of them are sixteen to eighteen.

"Dude, come one. We're gonna be late again!" Phil heard a familiar, but older sounding voice.

"I'm coming, I'm coming..." Another voice called out.

It was an older version, probably teen versions of Viz and Diz.

"Holy crap.... they look, a bit..." Phil mutters to himself about something.

"They look a bit what?" Sore and Gabe suddenly appeared on his communicator. 

"They look handsom- ARGH! What the hell guys?!" Phil covered his mouth from what he just said.

"Nah, it's okay. Don't act so shocked, cause we think they look hot too" Sore told Phil in a hushed voice.

Phil stared at him, his eyes widened.

"I can't believe you didn't notice, us yet..." Sore muttered, loud enough for Phil to hear him.

"Notice what?" Phil asked.

"...nevermind. Look, they're gone" Sore pointed behind Phil.

Phil turned around and saw that Viz and Diz had already left.

"I gotta follow them" Phil told Sore and Gabe, before running off.

"....*Sighs* what will we do without this guy" Gabe said to himself, crossing his arms.




~Teen Diz's POV~

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