We Are (A Peterick Fanfiction)

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*Patricks POV

I can't look him in the eye. It's too hard, and recently, its only gotten worse. I thought the hiatus being over was a blessing. But being around the one you love, who you know will never love you back, it's enough to drive anyone crazy. I'm such a wimp. Why can't I tell him?! Can't he see I'm madly, deeply, in Love with him, I think to myself. Water begins to form in my eyes, blurring my vision. I wipe away my tears rolling down my cheek, and glance up to see if Pete noticed me crying. He did. He turns off the t.v. Damnit Patrick pull yourself together.

*Petes POV
"Are. Are you crying? Whats wrong?" I ask, honestly concerned.
"It's nothing"
"It doesn't seem like nothing" I put my hand on his lap, but he pushes it off.
"Please. Don't" he says wiping away the on comming flow of tears.
"Patrick wha-" he cut me off.
" Okay." We sit in awkward silence for a moment, when someone comes bursting through the door.
"You guys, we need you by the stage your on in 5!"
"Alright" I say, not even turning his direction. He quickly closes the door. I stand up and grab my bass.
"I'll see you by the stage"
"Yeah, by the stage" he says weakly. I close the door behind me softly and head towards the stage, leaving Patrick by himself.

*Patricks POV
I stand up looking at the dressing room mirror. I put on my black fedora and grab my guitar. Tonights gonna be a long night. I open the door, and check to make sure Pete's not still in the hallway. Nobody. Good. I make my way to the stage, where I see Joe, Andy, and of course Pete. I stand on the right side of Joe, and Pete stands on the left side of Andy.
"Okay, what's going on" says Joe breaking the silence.
"Nothing" me and Pete say in unison. I feel my cheecks get hot. Joe look at Andy, who shrugs when suddenly we hear Brendon cue us in.
First Andy, then Joe walks on stage.
Do it Patrick. Tell him! Right before he walks out, I quickly grab Pete by his collar, pull him in, and kiss him.He does nothing, probably too shocked to react. When I pull away, he just stares at me. Oh damn.
"D-Did you just. Did you just kiss me?" He says confused with a touch of... excitement?
I quickly walk on stage avoiding Petes eyes. This is gonna be a REALLY long night. I think to myself.

HI! I'm the author of this story. I know its short so far, but its 10:30 im sleepy, I have school tomorrow and I felt like writing. Anyway, im gonna add more chapters soon, it depends how well this goes! If I get to chapter 5 and I only have like 3 views, im probably gonna quit. Leave me a message or vote or something if you liked it! p.s at chapter 5 I'll do an about me, where ill tell you my name, and some other cool info! have a nice day!

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