I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get On You Pt 2

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After this, only 2 more chapters before the story ends!

Petes POV

This chapters gonna be kinda fast paced. Did that really just happen? I stare at my mom, who gives me an apologetic look of sorrow. Everyone just sits in an awkward silence for a second, but I don't really notice. I'm still trying to comprehend everything. I feel Patrick wrap his arms around me "I'm sorry" he whispers. He lets go of me, to go get the broom to sweep up the broken glass. I grab my keys and rush for the door.

I look down the street, and see my dad nearly to the corner, so I hop in the car and race down the street.
"Dad get in the car"
"Why should I"
"Dad, I thought you loved me."
"I thought you loved women."
"I do, but I also Love men, and there is nothing wrong with that"
"Dad, what is so horrible about me being Bi? If you Love me, you will accept me for who I am, and who I chose to be with. If you Love me, you'll stop calling me those aweful names, and judging me and making me feel like I'm this aweful person because of who I Love"
"Pete I-" I cut him off.
"No dad let me finish. Dad I Love Patrick. I Love him more than I could ever put into words. That may be hard for you to hear, but it's true. And if you Love me, you'll respect that and treat me and Patrick like we deserve to be treated. Now please, get in the car" He stops walking for a second, then turns and walks around the car, getting in the passenger seat.
"I. I'm sorry. You're right."

When we walk in the house, everybody is surprised. The first thing I see my dad do is go over to Patrick and grab his sleeve pulling him away from everyone else. He told me during the ride back he wanted to apoliogize to him. I see my dad give Patrick a hug, and I see that Patrick begins to tear up. My mom walks up to me
"How'd you get him to change his mind?"
"I told him, If he Loved me, he would respect and accept me for who I am, and who I want to be with"
"Well you're a miracle worker" she says pinching my cheeks.

We all decide to watch a movie, which we let my dad pick, and of course he picks "The Avengers". That's something my dad and Trick have in common, they both Love action movies. "Bye Mari, bye Pete II" Patricia says, givng them each a hug. I see my dad shake Davids hand
"It was nice meeting the both of you". "Bye mom, bye dad. I'll miss you" I say giving both of them hugs.
"Bye Peter! Bye Patrick!"
"Bye son. We love you". They give Patrick and I each hugs and walk out the door, leaving me, Patrick and his parents. I'm actually very glad they're staying for a couple more days. There are some very important questions I need to ask them, and it'll also be great to get to know them more.

*Four MONTHS Later

I want to be fully prepared for what's about to happen next. I made a check list and everything! I made sure he will be distracted all day. I asked Brendon and the guys to take him to a Lakers game for a guys day out, and Patrick thinks I'm sick. I hate lying to him, but none of it will matter once he sees his surprise! I've been decorating all day. I even got a custom cake made. Speaking of which, I need to go pick up. I grab my keys and my beanie, heading for the bakery.

*Brendons POV

The game is over, and of course the Lakers LOST! Man! The part that sucked the most was they only lost by 3 points! We were so close to winning! But you win some, you lose some I guess. It's only 4:00 so we all go back to Brendons house and order a pizza, only after arguing exactley what kind. And of course since Andy was with us, we ordered from his favorite Vegan pizza restaurant. I think I've been doing a pretty good job at keepin g Patrick occupied, and now I'm just waiting for the text from Pete to let me know when operation "WYMMP" is a go. I am so excited to see the look on Patricks face when he walks in the room.

I hear a phone start to ring, but realize that it's not mine.
"Hold on guys I gotta take this" Patrick says going into the guest bedroom. "What are we gonna do now? Watch a movie?"
"How much longer do we have to keep him occupied?" Joe whispers.
"Yeah, he's gonna wanna go home to check on Pete soon!" Andy adds.
"Lets play some video games! You know how competitive he gets!" Suddenly we see Patrick burst out of the room, looking like he's about to have a heart attack.
"Patrick wh-" He pushes past me and out the front dropping his phone in the process. "PATRICK!" I yell as he runs down the hallway. I can tell were all thinking the same exact thing. What the hell?! I grab Patricks phone and flip through the recent calls list.

"Guys. The call he just recieved. Was from the hospital"

Patricks POV

No. NO. NO. NO. I hop into my car searching my pockets for my keys. I finally find them, but my hands are shaking so bad, I can barley stick them in the ignition. I pull out of the parking lot, going probably 20 miles over the speed limit, and concidering what just happened, I find that kind of ironic. But I refuse to believe it. I rush to the hospital, and burst through the door. I run up to the recption desk.
"Wentz, PETE WENTZ" I yell trying to hold back the tears. She can see I'm distraught and types in a few things as quickly as possible
"Floor 3 Room 229". Everything is in slow motion, and the only thoughts running through my head are that i need to get to Pete. I don't bother taking the elevater and rush as quickly as possible up the stairs.I finally make it to the third floor, panting, but refusing to slow down. Not until I see Pete. 225, 227, 229. I burst through the door to see two doctors standing there, and on the bed is my unconscious boyfriend.

Brendons POV

"The hospital?!" Joe blurts.
"Yes the hospital, come one guys we need to get down there" We all rush down to get to my car, and I can't help but to wonder what happened for Patrick to have reacted like that. Then it hit me. Pete. Oh Damn. We pull in the parking lot and spotting one right next to Patricks car. We rush in and head straight for the recaption desk.
"Is there a Pete Wentz here?"
"OMFG You're Brendon Urie! I Love Pani-"
"IS THERE A PETE WENTZ HERE?!" "Uhm yeah, sorry. Third floor Room 229"
"No, I'm really sorry I just. I need to go" I turn around facing the guys. "Guys it's the third floor room 229".

Patricks POV

"No! That can't be right!"
"I'm sorry Mr. Stump. Were not sure how much more we can do for him." "Are you sure?!"
"Yes. The chances are slim. He's only under medication right now, he should wake up in a day or two." I can't even respond. I just lay my head on his chest, crying harder than I ever have in my entire life. Suddenly Brendon, Andy and Joe come rushing in. They see me holding a who they believe to be dead Pete.
"Patrick. Wha-What happened?" Brendon stutters, nearly breaking intotears himself.
"Guys. P-Pete was in a c-c-car accident. They s-said he's going to s-survive, but there was damage t-to his s-spinal c-cord. He m-may never be able to w-walk again" They all stand there staring at me, mouths wide open. Andy rushes out of the room, and Joe chases after him. I look at Pete. My Pete. Laying there, on a cold hard hospital bed.

We stayed until they told us we had to leave. They litterally had to carry me out of the room, because I wasn't going anywhere without a fight. They said if I wanted to spend the night I had to fill out a special form, which they couldn't give to me until tomorrow. Brendon ended up having to drive me home, because I was crying so hard I could barley see in front of me. He offered to spend the night, which I gladly accepted because I don't think it would be best to leave me on my own. I do crazy things when I'm depressed and left on my own.

We stop by Brendons house so he can pick up a few things and head back to my house. We pull up in the driveway, and I can barley get out of the car. Part of me wanted to die right then and there. I'm not sure I can walk into this house right now, knowing Pete won't be in it. Tonight he can't kiss me. I can't hold his hand. He can't whisper to me how much he loves me. I can't tell him how much he means to me. We can't make Love to each other, and wake up the next morning in each others arms. Tonight he won't even be there to cuddle me to sleep. I walk up to the front door with Brendon trailing behind me. I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the heartbreak I'm gonna feel when I open this door. And I couldn't be more surprised, Because the first thing I see when I open the door is candles, rose petals.

And A Ring.

Are you guys excited that the stories almost over?

P.S Can I just start off by saying. OMFG I'm almost at 800 reads. I'm losing my ISH! Thank you guys so much for reading & Commenting & Voting <3 It means a lot to me :D Lol Why does such a crappy story have so many reads xD

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