Chapter 1: Destruction

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Chapter 1.

The school bell ring, which signal the end of school and the end of high school for Catalia at the oh so boring Crawville High. Crawville High was a school full of rich and disgusting teenagers who believe they are above all else.
You have the girls who claim there friendship on who dress well and more expensive and their popularity on who parents were richer.
And boys who see who has the best cars or bike. Stupid I know...

What am I a nerd, shy, dorky, uninteresting and invisible 17 year old doing at this school. Unfortunately I blame my parents to my dismay they thought this school was good for me and I will learn more. They wouldn't even wanna know.
Yes my family had money, my mother is this big shot lawyer and a partner at a law firm. My dad is the executive manager of a large oil firm that was before he took off and left two years ago with some young bimbo without looking back at us.

Catalia sigh in relief as finally she could be at the library every day now and read as many books as she wants. Its her favor holiday Summer!.

Catalia being the prefect child she was called her mom to let her know she will be going to the library . She took out her phone.

"Hey mom, how are you?"

"Am ok just finish a case at the office and packing up to head home" said Mrs. Pedro.

"Oh ok, well am just calling to let you know that I will be heading to the library for awhile. I will be home by dinner".

"Ok baby girl be safe, love you".

"Love u too mommy.....bye".

Catalia make her way down to the library just a few blocks from school. She enter the old library a place she called her scantuary from everything that is happening in the world. Upon entering the library she saw Martha the librarian for as long as she could remember. Over the years of coming here after her father walk away from her family she as grown fond of miss. Martha. Can say her only friend she has and only person she talk to apart from her mother.

"Hey Martha". Said Catalia

"Hey cats and what may I do for you today?"said Martha.

"Am just here to finish read off my this book" she gesture to the book in her hand.

"And maybe borrow a few more"

Martha chuckles. " these books are going to be the end of you one day Catalia".

Catalia just nod and went to talk a seat and dug her head into her book. After finish reading and checking the time it was almost 6pm dinner will be starting soon. Catalia bid farewell to Martha and walk home. Upon reach home Catalia thought if anyone was invited over seeing that her front door was open or maybe her mom was in a rush and left it open.

Catalia stroll inside the house.

"Mom am home, going up a fresh up be down in 10"

Catalia went upstairs but something was odd she didn't get a reply.
She decided to check if something happen to her mom or if she was upset that she spent long at the library. But both her assumption was wrong her mom was on the kitchen floor not moving

Panic struck Catalia whole body. She ran for her phone

", I am to ree.....po..rt a 1 Manhattan street house #4 please come quick my mom...I....think... is dead" Catalia cried.

About 5 minutes after the police showed up and ask Catalia to step away from the body and they search the place and do the proper investigation and stuff.

"Officer what happen?". Catalia force herself to say.

"Am afraid to say her mother suffer a heart attack and died" the officer reply.

Catalia space out for a moment
"That's not possible" she thought to herself. Her mother was happy and had gotten over her father leaving two years ago. And by the way my mom was exceptional healthy and fit my mom doctor could atone for that every week she would make it a point of duty to visit Dr. Jones.

"Officer how it that possible? My mother was healthy as a officer how???? At this point Catalia was crying like hell.

"Miss Pedro as we investigate her house had been robbed" the officer reply with a low voice.

Robbed how was that possible
Catalia ran up to her room and check everything was in place.
She decide to check her mother's room and nothing look touched.
Wait mom jewelry box is open Catalia thought to herself.
When she look everything was empty millions of dollars worth of jewelry gone vanished. Catalia ran down stairs.

"Officer was my mother wearing a diamond necklace with a dove pendant on it?"

"Am afraid your mother wasn't in any form of jewelry what's so ever mom" said the officer.

Catalia gave her mom that diamond necklace and told her to always reach for the top and that she will sore to higher heights without her father as a reminder that she is strong. Right now everything was flashing back and that moment earlier today hit her hard like a rock Catalia fell to the ground cry remembering her mother's last words.

"Ok baby girl be safe, love you"

"Ok baby girl be safe , love you"

"Ok baby girl be safe, love you"

And that was the last thing Catalia remember before darkness too over

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