Chapter Three-Part One

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"The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance."

(Brian Tracy)

707th Special Mission Battalion Garrison, Seongnam

Training Grounds
Two months later

   Spring welcomed the men of the 707th Special Mission Battalion in style, as for the first time in three cold, snowy months, the heat of the sun finally returned to Earth

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   Spring welcomed the men of the 707th Special Mission Battalion in style, as for the first time in three cold, snowy months, the heat of the sun finally returned to Earth. Although common, to the men in the army, a new season brought new changes, and new changes meant new resolutions. These resolutions-ironically, were never heeded. Still, it became a parcel of their military life, for it constantly kept them in check.

   In a country that was politically separated from its Communist neighbour after a bloody three-year war of attrition, war is a constant threat. The two nations stood face-to-face with each other, separated only by a thin but the most heavily-defended border on Earth-the 38th Parallel. Anytime, a war would break out. That was why these men and women in the military had to be ever ready for combat, in case the unpredictable leader up north decided to launch an attack.

   However, the engagements between the two separate armies were subtle, despite the fact that these cases heightened up tensions between the two countries. Yes, there were several major engagements that brought them dangerously close to a second civil war, but most of the time, the men of the 'White Tigers' battalion had no real engagements with the other party.

   Still, no real engagement doesn't mean that the battalion can rest on its laurels. As the main counterterrorist force on the ground, they had to be ready to face non-conventional methods of warfare-mainly sabotage, espionage and the rise of militant groups. With the world in the digital edge, it has become more and more dangerous to operate as discreetly as possible. Yet, they were the ones who were well-trained enough to handle these cases.

   Building a team of highly-trained, well-disciplined and specialised men was never an easy task. Still, however difficult it might be, the force needed the manpower to operate efficiently.

   So how does the force shape boy scouts into real fighting men?

   They turned to one man-the instructor from hell...

   First Lieutenant Seo Dae Young.

   Officially promoted six weeks ago, Lieutenant Seo began the new chapter of his life as a commissioned officer. Still, he preferred the outdoors than deskjobs. That was not his style, even though he had managed a lot of reports in which most of them were deliberately given by his best friend and Major in an efficient and creative way. Major Yoo used to call him 'Master Writer Seo', but personally, Dae Young preferred the nickname 'Devil Instructor'. That nickname suited him more.

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