"I never interrupt my enemies when they are making mistakes."
(Yoo Si Jin)
Forward Command Post
When nighttime arrived, it was prime time to act. For one last time, the field commanders gathered to give the green light. Any objections or changes to the plan would have to be made at that very instant, because in the next few minutes, the hostage rescue mission will proceed and there will be no turning back from then on. As the leaders of the respective units gathered, the men on the ground prepared for assault. Four six-men teams from all four squadrons of the Korea National Police Agency SWAT team, a five-men Charlie team of the 13th Special Forces Brigade, another six-men team of Delta from the 11th Special Forces Brigade, and finally, the three five-men teams of Alpha, Bravo and Charlie from the 707th Special Mission Battalion were assigned for what would be the largest joint civil-military operation in the history of the Republic of Korea.
The time was nigh to end the crisis for good and bring the perpetrator to justice, if by all chances he remained alive during the anticipated gunfight. However, one task remained uncleared, and Si Jin would want to have it dealt with quickly. Prior to the engagement, he and Do Yoon along with Dae Young purposely absent themselves from the last-minute meeting, prompting the operations commander to delay as he and the rest of the field commanders waited for their arrival. They did arrive though, but not without their team. While Major Yoo and First Lieutenant Seo brought Alpha Team with them, Captain Hong Do Yoon brought his own team as well. Together, they marched towards the meeting room, boots tapping with a heavy thump on the floor, and they entered the room in strict fashion, their weapons slung to their shoulders and locked and loaded.
Their rather 'grand' entrance a well as the show of force into the dimly-lit war room surprised Il Rang and his ten-men tactical team in black gear who will also take part in the operation. In an instant, the PSS men stood up alarmingly as Si Jin's men took positions around the room, their hands instinctively drawn to their sidearm holsters. "Yah, Yoo Si Jin Soryeong, what in the world are you doing?!" The operations commander lambasted with his hands on his hips. What surprised him more was that the rest of the field commanders in the room were rather relaxed with what's going on. "What's with the men?"
The NIS correspondent who was also in the room demanded an explanation. "Yoo Si Jin Soryeong, are you trying to delay the operation?! Stand down, now!" He ordered.
Instead of obliging, Si Jin simply turned his head around and then stared at the correspondent deep into the eyes. "I suggest that the NIS step away from this operation from this time forth. As of right now, we are detaining Mr Kim Il Rang under the orders of the President."
Il Rang, his men and the NIS correspondent was shocked to hear the news. The men stared at each other in bewilderment while Si Jin's men looked on with stern eyes. "Detain me for what?" Il Rang finally spoke after much hesitation. "The President cannot have me detained without proof whatsoever."
"Proof?" Do Yoon voiced out as he reached for one of the pockets of his kevlar. When he took out the silver recorder from it and then brandished it, Il Rang was shocked out of his wits. "This...is proof...commander." Do Yoon spoke. "The one you're having–it's a fake." He pressed the play button without waiting for Il Rang to respond.
Si Jin (in English): Who hired you? Who found you? Why are you here?
Zawari: This...this guy....from Korea, I think...He had glasses on, couldn't see his face properly. He said he had cash, and he wanted to help me–

Descendants of The Sun: The Second Chapter (COMPLETED)
FanfictionThe love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where it becomes unbreakable. However, as they push ahead through life's treacherous journey together, they realise that there's much that they s...