The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where it becomes unbreakable. However, as they push ahead through life's treacherous journey together, they realise that there's much that they s...
"We may stumble and fall but shall rise again; it should be enough if we did not run away from the battle."
(Mahatma Gandhi)
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Two weeks later Haesung Hospital Yoon Mi was all alone in the cafeteria without her fellow colleagues during lunch break, which was rather unusual as her colleagues had never missed their lunch. Nevertheless, she sat down at her usual spot and enjoyed her lunch. It had been a busy morning for her–with two surgeries to participate and later on, a report regarding a patient with a problematic heart which was needed by one of her superiors by day's end. Today was the last day to hand in the report and she was in a hurry.
Fortunately, she still had some time for lunch, albeit a short one. For sure, she was not going to waste it.
She was halfway through her meal when she suddenly felt something overshadowing her from her left side. It was strange how her area got slightly darker all of the sudden while the rest didn't, which led her to assume that there was somebody beside her. Nervously, she slowly turned her head around towards the shadow, heartbeat racing and breathing all erratic.
Her heart nearly dropped out of her mouth when she realised that the person standing next to her was none other than Yeung Joon's father–all dressed in a black suit and a red tie and with a sincere smile on his face. "May I sit?" He asked without hesitation.
Of course, Yoon Mi couldn't reject the request, especially from a man with a billion dollars in his name; not to mention that he was her boyfriend's father. And then, it hit her–she had never met his father up-close and personal. Plus, she had never heard of him speaking about his family. Well, generally from the tabloids, she knew a thing or two about his family–they are rich. One more thing that made her shudder was the fact that the man speaking to her right now had been involved in a scandal previously, but the scandal was already history. Compared to her ordinary background, Yeung Joon's image had already shrouded her so much that she saw no place within his family. Even in the hospital she knew so well, she felt so out of place with that man present right now.
The man simply took a seat opposite her without even waiting for her nod or even a word. Yoon Mi realised that he was not carrying a tray of his own meal, which meant that he was not hungry. If he was not here for lunch, then why was that man sitting in front of her right here, right now? Did anything happen to Yeung Joon? Apparently not. His father was still smiling, which might have meant that nothing was wrong or probably, he was trying to convince her that he was of no harm.
"You are Jung Yoon Mi, correct?" The man's inquiry shook her away from her reverie all of the sudden, causing her to blur out for a moment. He never seemed to care though. "And you're my son's yeoja?"