The love story between a soldier and a doctor reaches new heights, as their bond strenghtens to a point where it becomes unbreakable. However, as they push ahead through life's treacherous journey together, they realise that there's much that they s...
"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
(Desmond Tutu)
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Mo Yeon struggled to control the unbearable pain of her wound. A few minutes had passed since Sun Yang ran away, and the gunfight outside intensified. She was in a dire situation to win her battle against the searing pain, but with every second flew, her body started to get weaker. Not only that her body was getting colder, and she suddenly shivered. By then, her clothing, especially the wound area was heavily stained with blood.
Seconds turned to minutes, and the more time past by, the weaker she became. She felt really tired, and her eyelids became heavy. The gunfight was still going on outside.
Then, some minutes later, she heard the door of the meeting room opening with a loud bang, and she heard someone stepping into the room. Weakly, she turned her head around to see who it was, but by then, her vision had blurred that everything around her became virtually unrecognisable. Still, she could see the silhouette of a man, clad in something light brown. She heard muffled voices, and the man rushed to her aid.
However, before she could even get a closer look at the saviour, her body couldn't bear it anymore. Slowly, her eyes closed, and before she knew it, darkness took over.
Si Jin barged into the meeting room alone, and frantically searched for her. He turned to the right, and what he saw next pierced his heart until it shattered to dust.
Mo Yeon was there, lying on the ground in a pool of blood. She was still moving though, and he could see that she tried to move her head to his direction.
Si Jin froze all of the sudden, when her eyes, half-closed, met his. His muscles ceased to work, and everything around him seemed to stop in time along with every sound and every sensation. Everything seemed vacuumed. The only thing he felt alive, was his beating heart, and his distorted breath, and the sight of the lady he loves-down to the ground.
He couldn't let himself get distracted anymore. He switched his mind instantly, and during that change of senses, he regained control of his body. Without hesitation, he dropped his rifle, and ran towards her. Halfway, he skidded down to the floor. It was at that very moment when he saw her eyes shut. He managed to reach her, holding her in his arms as desperation ran deep in his veins. "Mo Yeon-ah!" He called out. Si Jin turned his attention to her wound, and immediately, he placed his gloved right hand atop her already placed and bloody hands, delivering extra pressure to prevent more blood from flowing out. Her back of her neck laid on his free left hand, and she seemed unconscious. "Mo Yeon-ah, wake up!" He called again, shaking her lightly. He noticed the patch of blood on the floor, and he instinctively knew that she had been bleeding out for quite some time already.