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A trial date had been set for the 11th of June, Steffi had to go into the academy with the help of Kathleen to take the exam. She'd know by the end of the month if she'd made the cut but the baby was due any day now and with Jake in Rikers, Lily still not talking to her and the fact that Olivia had been acting strange all week it was just stressing her out. "So how did the exam go?" Kathleen asked as Steffi got in the car. "I dunno I aced it I guess" She said as she put her seat belt on. "Steff, what's up?" She asked as she started the car. "I'm worried about the case I'm worried that Jake will get out, I'm worried that mum has become too invested in the case, also dad told Amanda that he's worried about me that I wake up I the night crying and screaming and he has to comfort me for hours before I even start sleeping again....and the truth is I don't remember it" Kathleen looked over at Steffi. "What happened with You, Jake and Lily probably triggered your PTSD to come back and because of the fear the memory part of your brain has chosen to forget it ever happened" Steffi looked over at Kathleen smiling. "What? I studied Psychology in College what do you expect me to answer with?" Steffi laughed. "Right, home or precinct?" "urrr Precinct"


Olivia was sat in her office on her laptop trying to right up paperwork for court but she was so distracted by the news she had received. How could she have let the son of the man who almost ruined her life 9 years ago rape her daughters friend and let her daughter watch. The flashback came back she could see the basement and that mattress the baton Harris had hitting her body causing her so much pain, the adrenaline rush she felt while trying to find a way out....the fear of him unzipping his pants.... "Carisi your so funny! Haha stop it!" Olivia was brought out of her thought when she heard Steffi laughing. She got up out of her chair to see what it was all about" Steffi was sitting on top of Carisi's desk laughing and giggling with him. Olivia noticed there was something between those two, she was happy but at the same time Steffi was vulnerable and even though Steffi wont admit it, she is and she didn't want Carisi to hurt her feelings. "is this a work place or do I need to enforce rules like you lot are In pre-school" Stefi rolled her eyes as Carisi helped her to chair next to his. "Sorry Mum I was trying to put Carisi out of a bad mood because that's what cases like this does to people". "yes but Steff you have a trial to prepare for you haven't got time for this!" "Jheez mum what's gotten into" "N-Nothing I just don't feel like your taking this seriously!" "Me not taking it seriously? My friend was raped mum and the first time it happened I was made to watch, don't you dare say that again because you have no right to tell me that I don't care!" Steffi tried to calm her self down realising that she was going to stress the baby out. "Which is why I called Lily's parents this morning and they are coming down with her so you two can talk and she can go over her statement." Steffi's eyes beamed. "You did what?!, Mum she won't even talk to me she hasn't been answering my calls or texts mum you saw that the last time we were in the same room together, she called me a bitch and didn't want me in the room!" "Well it's a good job I rang her then!" Just then Fin and Rollins came in with Lily and mother and father behind her. Steffi had her arms folded ad her backs to them Olivia rolled her eyes as she went over to them. "Hi Mr and Mrs Chaplin I'm so happy you came" Olivia put her hand on Lily's shoulder. "And how have you been Lily?" "Well i started counselling a few days ago and i've been going to Karate and stuff like that" Olivia smiled while leading them her office. "That's great Lily i'm so glad your improving although i do know that you get nightmares and that is perfectly normal with people who suffer from PTSD, now we have to wait for Miss Novak to come so you can go over your statement while we do i think you need to talk to someone". Lily looked over at her parents who looked at each other. Olivia left the room and came back with Steffi who waddled into the office. "I don't want that bitch here! Get her away from me!" Olivia was stood behind Steffi holding her shoulders. "Lily will you please just talk to me okay!, this isn't fair i can't control what Jake did!" "No! but you could have stopped him!" "You know that's not true, he had a knife if i had even hit he would have stabbed me killing the baby !" "We're friends Steffi for god sake, Hell were from the same country, my parents moved from England when i was 5 and ever since then things have gone great, America was supposed to change my life but all this just changed my whole perspective you could have done something Steffi!" Steffi started to cry. "Lily i was just thinking of the baby I've lost so many people in my life ever since i was five i know i already have two kids but this baby is special to me and i don't want to loose you too, you have to believe that I wanted to stop him but i just froze, there are things you don't know about me, things i choose not to talk about and those things were triggered by what he did, i just don't want to loose you as friend and- AHHH!" Steffi almost fell to the floor Olivia catching her. "Steffi?!, oh god what's wrong?!" "I-I Think the baby's coming-AHHHHHH MUM  OH GOD IT HURTS" Olivia ran out of the office while Lily held on to her. "SOME CALL A BUS!" Carisi, Rollins, Fin and Elliot ran to the office following Olivia. "Liv, what's going on?!" Elliot asked "Steffi's going into Labour!" She yelled back as they ran into the office, Steffi was now on the floor trying to control her breath. "M-Mum, D-Dad please come! Hold my hand- AHHH!" Olivia and Elliot came by her side holding my hand. "It's okay sweetie just control those breaths okay? Where's the ambulance?!" "I just got off the phone with them, they'll be here in 5 minutes" Carisi said. Steffi screamed even louder the whole precinct stood and watched. "Mum! Dad! i can't do this!" Elliot stroked her hair out of her face. "Baby yes you can you've done it twice before i know you can do it again" "Daddy it hurts so much!- AHHHH! Oh god!" Olivia squirmed as she felt something wet on the floor. "What the hell?..." "Oh god her water broke!" Rollins shouted. "Where the hell is the ambulance?!" "Liv! there here!!" Fin shouted running back into the office. "Sorry were late there was traffic!" "Never mind that, just please help my daughter!" Olivia shouted, Steffi was crying in between screams. "Baby girl it's okay the ambulance is here now your gonna be okay" she said to Steffi as the ambulance came with the gurney with the help of the others and lifted her on. "Mum I'm scared, i'm so scared!" Olivia was walking along with the gurney to the elevator Elliot was on the other side holding her hand. "Sweetie your gonna be okay, everything will be fine we're all here for you" They eventually reach outside and take her into the ambulance. Olivia was about to leave when Steffi grabbed on to her arm. "Mum stay with me" Steffi begged wincing in pain. Olivia smiled stroking her hair and kissed her forehead and sat beside the gurney in the ambulance. She looked at Elliot then the ambulance doors closed, and then it drove off. "Right, Rollins go with Fin, Carisi with me in the car now lets go!" 

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