Someones Catching Feelings

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5th June

Steffi and the baby were able to go home. Olivia insisted she and the baby stay with her and Elliot, as she didn't want her at home with the kids by herself and plus Jake could plan to get his boys on her. Olivia was asleep on the couch with little Serena on her chest, Steffi was asleep in Olivia's room while the little ones were in Noah's room. Olivia's cellphone rang. Her eyes opened suddenly she looked down at Serena going towards her phone being careful and not drop her. "Hello?......What? Now?" Olivia looks at her watch and sighs "okay i'll get there when i can" She cut off the phone. "Who was that?" Steffi asked from the doorway of the bedroom. Olivia turned round startled. "Oh lord will you stop doing that?, and that was Rollins she said that Jake's Lawyer is there to discuss the case." Steffi sighed. "I know hun but if you want Jake to go down then i gotta be working on this like my life depended on it" Steffi walked out, Olivia moved over to make space for Steffi and Steffi sat down. "I just want this to end, i'm honestly flash backing to my 16 year old self.....mum...." She began playing with her clothes "Dad told me that sometimes  wake up in the night screaming and crying and it takes him hours to calm me that true?" Olivia sighed still with Serena who is peacefully on her shoulder. "Elliot has mentioned it and i've only witnessed it once...." Steffi sighed in frustration and hit her hand on the arm of the chair. ".....Steffi it does not mean your crazy your traumatized by recent events" "Yes but mum those dreams i have, they are also about my Uncle Bruno! I feel like i'm going crazy but Kathleen said to me that because of what Jake did it triggered my PTSD to occur" Steffi put her head in her hands. "Steffi.....Steffi...." Steffi looked up at her to see that Olivia now cradling Serena in her arms. "Do you think that Serena thinks your crazy?" "I don't know mum she cant even talk yet let alone walk" "Yes but babies are intelligent and just like dogs they can sense things and i know that for her sake she'd want you to believe you can get through this, and i know you can get through it so what if you have to go councelling it doesn't make you weak" Olivia sighed she looked down at Serena then back at Steffi. "My mom was an English professor and when i was 16 i was dating one of her students in her class....he was a senior. One day he asked me to marry him.....and i said yes...." Steffi's eyes beamed. "...To get away from my mother, she found out and told me that if i didn't stop seeing him she'd get him kicked out of College, by that time she had already finished half a bottle of vodka and when i refused she dropped the bottle and there was glass everywhere, and so she picked up the jagged end of the bottle and she came at with me and said "I'll never let anyone else have you" I then kicked her, hard and she collided into a wall and slid down it, i was so scared i'd never hit her before and i ran out the house" Steffi looked at her shocked "I got help but obviously it was 15 years to late because Simone Bryce helped me through it all which is why if i could do it, then you can as well but at the time i had nothing to live for, you do" Steffi went over and hugged Olivia to her surprise then Steffi kissed her cheek. "What was that for?" Olivia smiled. "For going through so much shit but then still being able to handle me" Olivia laughed. "Yeah well your easy Miss Steffi Stabler i know you" Steffi checked the time on her phone. "And i know you mother cause if you don't start getting ready to leave now then your never gonna get to the precinct". Olivia laughed and slowly handed Serena to Steffi.


Olivia arrived at the precinct. "Good afternoon Lieutenant" Elliot said mocking her and he bit his lip. She laughed. "Good morning Stabler, enjoy over time last night?" "Yeahhhh it was fun, you know having 1pp on our backs was great!" Olivia laughed as she walked into her office and she was startled to see someone sitting on the other side of her desk. "Trevor?, Trevor Langan?" He turned around "Detective Benson!, wow it's been so long" He stood up and they hugged each other. "Actually it's Sargent now, well technically because i'm going to be Lieutenant soon" "Ahhh moving up in the ranks I see? Haha well congrats, how's the kids i heard Steffi had another little one?" Olivia smiled while making her way to the desk. "Yeah..." She got out her phone. "Serena Elizabeth Stabler" Olivia showed him her lock screen which had a picture of her Elliot and Serena. "Awww she's adorable definitely has her grandmothers eyes." Olivia chuckled. Now Trevor and Olivia always haven't been this friendly it was only when she had been framed for murder 7 years ago and he became her defense in that case, they became friends the others had noticed he had a thing for her including Steffi and especially Elliot. "So Trevor, your not here for a social visit" Trevor smiled and started going through his briefcase and took out a file. "What's this?" Olivia put her glasses on and opened the file. She looked up at him through her glasses. "Why do you have Lowell Harris and Jake Harris's files?......Wait your representing them?...Trevor he's scum he raped Lily once making Steffi watch and then raped her again last week!" Trevor sighed. "Yeah well my client as you may have known has charged Steffi for assault" "That's called self defense and anyway Steffi may have weighed more than she usually does but a 6 month pregnant 25 years old is no way to cause damage." Trevor took out something else. "These are the pictures taken by the hospital after he was also checked out when Jake was found" Olivia looked at the pictures. Jake had a bruise of his cheek and a cut on his chin and a red imprint of a fist on his back. "This has got to be a joke right?, first of all Steffi would have had bruising on her knuckles which she didn't and second of all nothing was used to cut his face" "But then how come both Lily and Steffi's DNA was on him?" "He was raping Lily and Steffi tried to stop him and Lily was defending herself!" "You can't be to sure of that" Just as Olivia was about to reply she noticed Lily talking to Amanda. "Trevor i'll be right back" She took her glasses off, got up and went out of her office and over to Lily. 

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