Mum.....Dad I...

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10th June....The Trial

"Lily is what?!" Steffi shouted towards Olivia in the squad room. "She is pregnant and Jake may be the baby's father". Steffi laughed but not as if Olivia had said something funny she turned around in a circle, her hands together like in prayer now in front of Olivia again looked at her and shook her head. "And now you see why i found it heard to trust people when i was a kid?! How could you have kept something so important from me?" "Steffi you didn't need to know I-" "Didn't need to know?!, Seriously mother that's the best you can do?!" The precinct suddenly went quite everyone was watching and staring. Including the squad. "I'm fed up of people treating me like an invalid, like they have to hide secrets from me, you doing that brings back the constant memories of what happened with my Uncle Bruno and i just can't live with that!" Olivia crossed her arms. "But Steffi how the hell do you expect me not to treat you like an invalid when you were made to watch your friend get raped AND you won't tell us who Serena's father is?!" Steffi looked at Olivia in shock, she could see the anger on her face. Olivia has lived with her almost everyday of her life they've had there arguments and their squabbles but she has never shouted at Steffi liked that, not in the way she did. Fin looked over at Elliot who had his head in his hands. Steffi looked at Olivia with teary eyes. She shook her head at Olivia then ran off towards the cribs. Olivia was about to go after her but Carisi stopped her. "It's okay Lieutenant i'll go" Carisi ran off towards the tombs. Elliot stood up and walked towards Olivia. "Haven't you all got work to do?!" Elliot shouted to the precinct all the officers and detectives then got back to work. He went over to Olivia and tried to hug her but she pushed him away and walked back to her office, and shut the door and cried. 


Steffi was lying on one of the beds crying. "Knock Knock" Carisi said. Steffi turned over and saw Carisi. "Oh Carisi nothing you say will make me feel better" Steffi said sighing while sitting up wiping her eyes. Carisi went to sit down next to her. "I'm not so sure about that" Carisi smiled. "I-i just can't believe mum did that!, You know its so hypocritical! she told dad the other day to not ask me about it and now she has the cheek to go and mention about it!" Carisi sighed "You know Steff, people do some stupid stuff in the heat of the moment, your mom is stressed out the case is so personal that it's blinding everyone even your mom you have to allow the fact that the case is getting to everyone and with the trial in less than 6 hours today everyone has got to be there for each other." Steffi sighed. "It just scared me you know, the way she shouted at me, there was one time before Christmas just after Chris was born i had post natal depression and dealing with it i would rebel, going out to parties getting drunk, missing college deadlines while mum stayed at home with dad whenever he could and practically raised him, this went on for a year but however bad it got mum never shouted at me, not like that anyway." Carisi giggled. Steffi raised and eyebrow at him. "What's so funny?" "I just can't imagine you Steffi Stabler being a rebel!" Steffi slapped his arm. "You wasn't supposed to make me feel better and now look, you've got me smiling" Carisi shifted his body at an angle while laughing. They looked up at each other, Carisi stroked her hair out of her face Steffi smiled. Carisi leaned in and kissed her, she kissed him back the kiss lasted for at least 10 seconds, what they didn't know was that Elliot was by the door watching them.


The Courthouse 

Elliot looked at his watch and was stood next to Olivia who was on her phone the squad including Nick were all waiting in the court house waiting to enter the courtroom. Steffi hadn't arrived yet but Lily had. "Still no answer" Olivia said as she got off the phone. Casey then arrived. "Steffi here yet?" "No she-" Olivia saw someone coming through the door. "Well look who shows up" Everyone turned to where Olivia was looking it was Steffi in heels with black trousers,navy blue shirt and a black blazer with her hair out and curled. "Sorry i'm late" Olivia sighed, and hugged Steffi. "It's okay forget it, your here now" Just then Lily walked past with her mum and dad. Steffi and Lily watched each other as Steffi pulled away from Olivia's hug. Lily smiled at her and Steffi smiled back.

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