The Threat

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"What are you doing here?" she asked taking a few steps behind.

"I came to talk to you" he said as he walked a step forward with every step she took behind. "It's been quite a long time"

"Whatever you have to say will have to wait till dawn" Urmila said bravely "For the moment please retire back to your respective chambers Yuvraj"

"No" he said and inched closer "I will not leave until I am done talking to you"

Urmila inched a step behind and stopped when she felt her back touch the walls of her chamber. Her eyes shot to his and he smiled.

She raised one, white, slender finger and pointed it warningly at his face. "Don't come next to me!" she said aloud.

He sighed and took one more step forward. "There's no point of raising your voice"

"I'll call the guards, if you don't leave" she said threatening him.

"How naïve of you" he laughed and seized her hand. "You look like a brave warrior princess, but only I know how naive and childish you are"

"Let go of my hand!" she growled.

"And why should I?" he countered as he tightened his grip on her hand. She struggled to free herself from the Crown Prince's tightening grip on her wrist, which grew tighter every minute therein breaking the glass bangles in her hand that snapped into pieces pointed with sharp edges. Some of the pieces fell onto the ground with a tinkle whilst a few merciless pieces pierced her fair hand, until it left a faint red line on the fragile wrists.

"If my husband comes to know about this he will kill you" Urmila warned.

"We'll see what that cowardly bloke can do to me"

"He's not a coward mind you! He killed the Athimaharathi who defeated Lord Indra. He killed so many including Adhikaya, Subahu and Tadaka. You should pray that you don't fall in that list for behaving like this with his beloved wife"

"Beloved wife?" he laughed sarcastically "Which man leaves his so called beloved wife and ventures out into the woods with his brother and elder-sister-in-law for fourteen years? Darling you deserve a better husband when compared to the wimp you have married. If you had married me, you would have been next in line to ascend the Kalinga throne as my legally wedded wife, but you chose to marry that man who will forever work as the King's uncredited slave. What did you get by marrying such a man who isn't able to keep you happy?"

"Love" she answered "I got his true and undivided love, and an eternal place in his heart. I might not be the Queen of Ayodya, but to him I am his Queen and he is my King. And what's more? I get the privilege of bearing his child."

He raised a brow and his hand automatically went to her waist, and her eyes widened in shock "It was supposed to be my child in your womb and not his" he whispered huskily, dripping with lust as he brought his face to hers.

"I'm glad it wasn't" she answered bravely. "I'd rather die of shame than let such a horrible thing happen"

He looked taken aback and blinked twice, completely speechless.

"Look Mili! I don't have time to argue with you" he said "I came here to tell you something important"

"What is it you want to tell me?" she asked.

He smiled.

"Do you remember those romantic love letters you wrote to me, when we were in love?" he asked as he took a step forward and she nodded.

"I really loved how poetic my Mili is. 'With each passing night I become enamored by your divine and godly charm, my heart beats louder when I hear your name, I love how your eyes mingle with my soul with every irresistible glance you throw at me my beloved Prince Yudhamanyu'!" he said "I love how these letters became more romantic and it's a sin if only one person gets to see such beautiful poetry right? So I intend to show them to your family"

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