Chapter one

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Sorry about the lack of better title, Nyah! Oh! You can call me midnight, Nyah! Anywho, I do not own Sinbad no bouken, Nyah! I only own ari-chan, Nyah!
Sinbad- hi midnight what's up! Long time see!
I am doing great, my furend, and It has been long, Nyah!
Sinbad- I know we should add your sist--
NO, anything but her, Nyah!
Sinbad- okay fine lets get to the story
Kay! Enjoy, Nyah!
____________Ari's POV_________________
     I am masukari, but can call me ari, and I don't know who I actually am, but I know my name and age. I am currently eight years old and I am kind of scared because I am faster and stronger than others and different. I have heterochromia, at least I think that's what it's called, it's I where I have two different colored eyes. My eyes are red and green like bright red and green. when you look in my right eye you see a bright blood red eye, and My left eye is bright mint green.
     " slave girl! Get up! Right now!," my master yells to me, and being obedient I open my eyes and sit up to see my master leaning on my bed, if you wanna call it that, staring me in the eyes. Looking down to avoid looking into his never ending gold eyes that are almost like that of a dragon, but in the process moving my gaze to his shirtless chest. 'Why is he shirtless,' I think as my face warms up most likely turning red, noticing my blush he smirks getting closer to me(note that he is fourteen and she is eight at the time). I push him away running to one of the corners crying while saying," I'm to young for this type of thing, master." Looking at me with a foreign look in his eyes he walks up to me kneels in front of me and put his hand under my chin making me look at him. I take in his green hair, golden eyes, and somewhat tan skin and pull away from him looking away while crying. My eyes widen as he puts his right on my face wiping tears away saying something I have never heard from him before," gomen, I didn't mean to make you cry." I look at him, my mouth wide open showing him my twelve sharp, canine teeth and he stands up walking out of my room saying to me," you need to get ready we are leaving soon.
    I forgot! I'm going to a dungeon with him, and then if someone else gets that one we go to a different one. There are two in partevia near us, there is the one in town and one in a nearby village. I quickly get ready and go to masters room and when I get there I see the door open a crack. Curious I look in to see master sitting on his bed looking at a picture of a woman with pink hair and green eyes ( see what I did there) like my left eye. I quietly open the door, slowly walking in, but only to come to a stop when hear him singing. Getting closer I notice he is crying and it takes all I have in me not to gasp. I go up to him hugging him, making him stop singing and gasp. I whisper in his ear," it is okay to cry I do all the time." Returning my hug he whispers in my neck," I'm sorry for being cruel to you," we separate after a long hug looking at each other. Looking away he stands up, and I am standing with my face in his chest. I back up when I realize that he still isn't wearing a shirt, so I turn around waiting for him to put a shirt on. All though a part of me wishes to turn around and continue looking at his muscular chest.
______________________sinbad's POV _______________________
    I am prepping myself to head off to the dungeon to gain power and my mom gives me dad's sword. Hugging her I leave to head out on my journey for great power. On my way I find a group of guys being mean to some nice and beat them up, but quickly finish them an d continue on to the dungeon. Arriving I see an army already there waiting to go in' how do they expect to get anywhere with such a big group of people!' I think while sweat dropping.
_____________________drakon's POV ________________________
     Me, ari and an army are waiting to go in when the same purple haired, golden eyed boy from before arrives in front of the door. " who is that guy," I hear ari whisper to herself so I answer," that is a citizen nothing more." She looks up at me and then continues staring at the citizen. Noticing the girl's gaze upon him the boy walks up to her taking her hand kissing it. Looking at her he says," I am Sinbad, and what do I call you other than beautiful," she blushes and stammering she says," I-I'm m-masukari, but y-you can c-call me a-ari." So that is her full name masukari I like it.
_____________________Ari's POV _________________________
    I am looking at the boy with purple hair and eyes the same as master's eyes and confused I whisper to myself," who is that guy." Seeming to hear me master answers saying," that is a citizen nothing more." ' Um that was rude, but ok ,' I think as i look at master and then continue looking at the citizen. The citizen sees me staring at him and walks up to me taking my hand kissing it. At his action my cheeks turn pink, and he looks at me saying with a husky voice," I am Sinbad, and what do I call you other than beautiful." Turning red I say stuttering," I-I'm m-masukari, but y-you can c-call me a-ari." Winking Sinbad turns and runs into the dungeon and master following suit, but not without grabbing my hand dragging me along. As we path through the door we see a bright light and then we are floating above a sphere thing which has several beams sticking out of it. We quickly starting falling and I black out.
So I hope you enjoyed it, Nyah! I will update as soon as I can, but I currently do not have internet at home so I have to wait I get around Internet to publish, Nyah! Now, midnight go night night, Nyah! It is currently about ten minutes past midnight, Nyah! Oh and I say 'Nyah!' After every sentence cause it was a share to say it after every sentence for a week and I have till next Thursday, Nyah!

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