Chapter seven

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*midnaki POV *
      I stand there in the line of slaves in the partevia kingdom, and our master walks down the line with her pink hair flowing behind her back. She stops in front of me, and the princess stares at my Crimson eyes and brown hair. "Are you a fanalis, slave," her highness asks sternly to which I shake my head saying," no your highness." She bends down to my level saying," if you're not a fanalis then what are you?" I think for a minute, and answer," I am what you would call a neko, your highness."(yes the Midnaki in this story is younger version of Midnaki from heiress of spirits)  She nods and continues on her path, and relieved that I wasn't punished again I sigh. Just then a loud boom was heard throughout the kingdom and I see someone familiar to me jump down into the court yard.

Masukari POV
     I run through the kingdom heading for my destination, the castle, but I was attacked by the army so I used my djinn's power. The explosion caused confusion for the men so I could escape their view. I continued my path jumping up as I reach the castle, and when I land I see my target. Midnaki stands there surprised to see me and then I'm attacked again. I slash at the soldiers with claws, but then that pink haired witch grabbed my tail causing me to fall to the ground. I lay there my fangs bared and my sharp glare fiery. The witch glares back but she makes a mistake, she loosens her grip on my tail. Taking the opportunity I whip around my tail slipping out of her grip and my claws slashing her top. She falls to the ground embarrassed and giving me a full on glare. I jump up running to my now four year old friend, and grabbing her I jump away. I run while holding her hand, and then I see the port. I stop and go to an alleyway, and turning to Midnaki I break her shackles off. "You can go to your original form now," I say to her pointing out that I am in my original form that I didn't know I had. She nods and let's her tail and ears show, but then I give her a cloak. "Why tell me to take on my normal form then tell me to hide under a cloak," Midnaki says confused and slightly irritated. I look at her after putting a cloak on hiding my ears and tail, and sigh. "If you try to keep a human form you'll only hurt yourself," I say in a motherly manner," it is better to let them free and then wear a cloak when near humans." The truth is I'm not a normal fanalis hybrid my mom was a fourth fanalis and three fourth neko, and my dad was a born assassin like Jafar. So I'm technically half neko half assassin. Midnaki nods and hides her ears and tail with the cloak, and then she smiles at me showing me her canines. We start walking to the port and I hand the guy who owns a ship going to ream some of the money I gained from the dungeon. He let us on, and we walked over to a rail and watched as the place we lived in passed off in the horizon. I feel bad for Midnaki she doesn't know that she is the princess of the neko people. When we get to ream I'm finding a safe and secluded place to send Midnaki back to the nekos and her family, and hopefully she forgets about the time she spent here. When we arrive I take Midnaki to an inn, and we sit there in the room. "So your nine now," she says and I nod before saying," yep happy birthday me." She looks at me kindly before she stands up walking up to me singing happy birthday to me. I feel one single tear fall down my cheek as I mumble," aki you aren't making things any easier." She looks at me saying," did you say something, niichan." I nod before saying," aki I have to send back to where you were born, but I need to put you to sleep and erase your memory." She looks at me surprised and then she starts crying, but aki still nods saying," do what you is right, niichan." I nod and perform the spell sending her away never to see or remember me ever again.
*timeskip a month*
     It has been a month since I started training at the colosseum as a gladiator. I am now being sent to where the other gladiators of my type are. When I get there I see many ex slaves who have no family or home, and one catches my eyes. She seems familiar, but I don't know why. I walk up to her and see that she has Crimson red hair and dragon like red eyes, like me. She turns around and her eyes go wide when she sees me," Masukari," she says with tears in her eyes. I look at her confused as she stares into my dragon-like eyes that are now both red. My cloak is still covering my Crimson hair, my pointy ears, and my wolf/cat tail, which is red as well. "Do I know you ma'am," I say still not getting it. She hugs me saying," it's me azerit, your mother," my eyes go wide as I hug my mother back letting her cry into my shoulder. "Why are you here," she says standing up and wiping her tears away. I look down before explaining everything from my years of slavery to my journey with my friends to my journey with our princess. All the while my mom just nods listening carefully as if she were memorizing every detail. When we finish a man walks in and he says," azerit and the midnight rider come to the colosseum, now."
     I walk into the colosseum with my mom and the people stop me, but they send mom out there with nothing. Usually they give you a sword, but they didn't give her one. A large beast is let into the stadium and I see a gate on either end close blocking mom in. She slides under the beast as it runs forward, and she kicks its underbelly but it does nothing to it. Then the beast picks her up and she pounds on it, but it chomps her in half. ( oh yes I just did that, the mother got chomped in half by a large beast, aot reference episode one) a tear slips down my cheek as I feel the men place a sword in my hand before opening the gate enough to let me in. I walk in slowly and stick the sword in the ground before removing the cloak. People gasp as they see my tail, eyes, ears, teeth, and nails. I grab the sword ripping it out of the ground running at the beast. It goes to grab me, but I jump up dodging the giant hand landing on its shoulder. I stab my sword into its eye and rip the sword along with the eye out. I throw the eyeball to the ground before jumping to the beasts head stabbing its skull killing it. People cheer as I jump down walk away from it cleaning my sword of the blood. The other gate opens and some people cautiously drag the corpse out before letting someone in. It's the fanalis boy from my dream, he's two years younger than me at the age of seven while I'm nine. People chant Masrur on one side and midnight rider on the other. How I got the name, well I'm not entirely sure but I got it in my time of being in training. I drop the sword not wanting to kill the boy, and people start booing but then I spring forward. People cheer as my claws clash with his giant ass sword, and then I slide under his sword as he swings. I stab his stomach but make sure to miss the vital organs. The men who run this place consider it a victory of mine even though I didn't kill this Masrur boy. When I go to leave I'm grabbed by soldiers and they push me alongside Masrur putting shackles on my ankles right where they used to be. I'm blind folded as we exit the colosseum heading to wherever masrur's slave owner lives.
I'm ending the chapter there and sleeping cause it is really late at night here in my home in America.
Goodnight cupcakes
Jesse- aww little Midnaki is so cute~
Jess you're in the wrong story -///-
Masukari - why did you name your mom in 'heiress of spirits' after me
-////- I couldn't think of something else and I was already going to name your mom azerit so I went with Masukari I wasn't originally going to connect the two stories but I kinda did so yeah
Wendy- why didn't you use me I mean you never actually used me
True dat true dat
Sinbad - my Wendy you have such beautiful golden eyes and your brown hair is amazing
Drakon- stop flirting you purple haired buffoon
Drakonious- why did you name me after him
I wasn't thinking about that when I named you drakonious
Drakon- you look cool but you would look even cooler if your eyes weren't bright purple
Well sorry for making him that way and sorry for wanting him to have purple eyes
Masukari- Midnaki doesn't own anything except me, Wendy, drakonious, azerit, and herself
Well okay now it's goodnight to you my little cupcakes
I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2017 ⏰

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