Chapter six

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The picture above is the katana that drakon gave masukari and this story is going to be a bit longer than the last one but still not to long, so I hope you enjoy it! Oh and, I DONT OWN ANYTHING BUT MASUKARI!
--------------masukari POV -----------------
I sit beside the purple haired teen and stare silently into space as him, the big people from before, and who I think is village chief talk. I don't bother pay attention, until I hear someone say," Masukari is really strong is she a fanalis," I look to see the girl looking at me intently. I smile back at her, but my bangs move away from green eye, which is dragon-like. They bluenette Giants' eyes go wide as they stare into my dragon eye, and I look down ashamed about my weird eye. I feel a hand on my shoulder and when I look I see Sinbad smiling at me with reassurance. He says with concern," I think you're beautiful so you don't have to hide that gorgeous eye of yours." I role my eyes and let my hair fall back how it was before, covering my left eye. My red hair and eye shimmers like fire in light of the flame I front of us, and my golden skin sparkles.
---------------normal POV--------------------
Sinbad stares closely at masukari as he just now notices her cute cluster of freckles under her eyes and across her nose. She looks away from little purple pervert and sighs as she gets pulled away from the little group by some kids. The kids dance around her chanting little compliments towards and then she smiles as she remembers someone. When she was still drakon's slave there was a little girl named Midnaki, but the saddest part that the girl was no more than three. She continues thinking about the little brunette with Crimson eyes as Sinbad gets alcohol forced upon him by the chief. The now drunk Sinbad comes over to the bored eight year old fanalis and starts to flirt. In the chaos the immuchak, or whatever they are called, that is twenty-one sneaks away to gain the power of the dungeon. Eventually sin and Ari also sneak away in order to go after him, but they aren't alone. When the duo make it there they run into a group of assassin and drakon, but one person catches ari's attention. The little, eleven year old boy with pale skin, white hair, and green eyes seems familiar to air. He also feels the same thing that the fanalis does, but what is it? The idiot, drakon, smirks and says," I see you recognize Jafar," he walks closer to air grabs her chin and whispers," you should I mean he is your older brother." Ari's eyes go wide as she receives the news, but how I'm a fanalis and he is an assassin, she thinks as she backs away. Her back hits the icy wall and she then lunges at the one called Jafar. Jafar blocks her katana with his dagger things, but then she knees him in the gut and her blade cuts Jafar's cheek. Masukari kicks the boy across the head and then continuously punches him until he gets pulled away. The small group of people which now includes the giant guy gasp with wide eyes as they look at her now glowing eyes. She looks at them confused, but then masukari looks at her reflection with wide eyes. Her eyes are now both dragon-like and glowing, her hair is Crimson blood red instead of fanalis red, her teeth and ears are pointy, and she has a tail that is like a cross over between cat and wolf. Her hair reaches her midcaffs and wave around like fire. Masukari gasps and looks at her hand which now have black, sharp nails on the tips. She then proceeds to walk towards the wall again, but then she starts beating her head on it. Everything goes dark and Sinbad has the big giant carry her as the now combined group proceeds through the dungeon.
-----------time skip---------Sinbad POV---------
I proceed to chase the weird cat as it just mocks us, but then an idea pops into my head. After sharing with the others I proceed with the plan. Eventually I capture my second dungeon, and we get out of they place. I now sit with Jafar, his group, hinahoho, his wife, and masukari. Me and Jafar are getting schooled by hinahoho's wife, but hinahoho, masukari and the others get to do what they want. The next time we reach land me, hinahoho, Jafar, and the others go to sell some goods while hinahoho's wife and masukari stay on the ship. When I return to the ship with the others I go to masukari's room to check up on her. I walk towards the door and knock, but I hear no response so I get worried. I open the door carefully and look in the room to see that she isn't there. The window is open and on her desk I notice a carved wolf. Under it is a paper that has "sorry that our journey together was cut short but I have a lot of unanswered questions about myself, and I need to help my friend" written on it.
I'm sorry I had to do the cliffhanger!

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