Chapter 16: The exams and waiting tension

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Picture of Katie Findlay as Reina Johnson


"Jake! You prick! Give me my hairband!!" Reina was chasing Jake through the entire house. I simply sat in the living room eating popcorn and watching them fight like kids.

It was always like a cat and mouse game between the brother sister duo. Either of the two started the fight by igniting the fire and then the explosions occured. Most of the times it was Jake but in this matter, Reina wasn't as sweet. She could be equally cruel. If Jake's favorite tool was itching powder, her favorite one was  fake animal toys. Jake was batshit scared of insects (not that he would ever admit it) and I have been on many occasions, a witness to see Reina cackling as he took off from what was a rubber cockroach or lizard.

I was just a silent spectator. I didn't have any teams nor did I want to be included.

"Won't," Jake sang as his loud footsteps entered the living room.

"Here, Derek catch!" He flung me the hairband. I raised an eyebrow as I caught it with one hand.

"Oh thank god, Derek. Give it here," Reina came in, her hair wild and flying behind her as she panted.

I shrugged and tossed her the hairband. Jake groaned, "No! Why did you give it back? I was having so much fun! You are such a killjoy."

"That's because it is mine, doofus. You see, unlike you, we like to keep our possessions with us. Not others," She stuck out her tongue at him before tying her hair.

Sometimes, it was easy to forget she was older to us and about to graduate college.

"You are no fun," Jake grunted at me and sat on the couch beside me, spreading his legs before starting to pick his nose.

"Arrggh! That's disgusting. Anyway, the car will arrive any moment. Jake! Help me with the bags!" She shouted and went out.

"No! Ask Derek!" Jake shouted back.

"Just come here anyone of you! I am already late!" She screamed.

Another vice: The Johnsons and punctuality never went hand in hand.

"Jake, stop annoying her. She has to leave in five minutes. Give it a rest," I said slowly.

"You gave it back only because you like her," Jake scoffed, "Go now, I just gave you both a bit more time together," He said sarcastically before lifting his legs on the table and closing his eyes, with his hands behind his head.

"Thanks, buddy. Where is your mom, anyway?" I got up.

"Office. She bade Reina goodbye while leaving. Pathetic life she has got," He mumbled, biting his nails, "Can't believe Reina will join her company."

Tina came out of the kitchen, wiping her hands in a kitchen cloth, "Derek, you leave it to me-"

"Tina, let Derek go," Jake chuckled, "You teach me how to make those awesome choco chip cookies you baked for me yesterday, will you?"

She rolled her eyes, "First, learn how to boil water."

Jake got up and put her hand on her shoulders before gently pushing her to the kitchen, talking about baking and her children. I felt a wave of gratitude and  went up. I knocked on her door.

"Come in!" Reina said. I walked in and saw two huge backpacks sitting on her bed along with two small bags and her handbag.

"Oh, Derek! Thank god! Help me out, will you?" She asked, pointing to a bag, looking flustered.

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