On Screen

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1.) You step onto the stage to get your diploma, but you have to fake cry to receive it, how do you go about doing it?

2.) Exactly what the teachers told us to do, think about our loved ones dying
3.) Poke your eyes, let's just let the show go on

2.) You do exactly what your acting teachers told you to do, but no tears are coming out, do you...

3.) Poke your eyes, the show must go on
4.) Continue trying

3.) You poke your eyes, tears immediately fall out. You get your diploma, but your teachers look disappointed. Do you...

5.) Chuckle and walk away
6.) Apologize and say 'It was my only choice!'

4.) You continue your attempts to cry, and eventually, tears fall out. How do you receive your diploma?

7.) Embarrassed for what just happened
8.) Ecstatic that you've graduated

5.) You chuckle and walk away. You hear a rude comment come from the crowd, do you...

9.) Find whoever said it
10.) Ignore it

6.) You quickly apologize to your teacher, he smiles and says, "Just don't do that at auditions!" What is your first thought?

11.) Oh no! Was I just jinxed?!
12.) Yeah, I better not

7.) Your face is red with embarrassment as you get your diploma. You leave the building that you were taught in. What do you do?

13.) Go searching for an audition
14.) Go explore the city

8.) Your giddy about the fact that you finally graduated! When you leave the building, you take one last look at it. What is your first thought?

15.) I finally get to leave this dump!
16.) I can't leave... not just yet...

9.) You search for who made the comment, and you find them! Do you see the face of your best friend or enemy?

17.) Best friend
18.) Enemy

10.) You ignore the voice and continue walking. Once your out of the building you were taught in, you see a pet store, do you enter it?

19.) Yes
20.) No

11.) You start to worry, are you now jinxed? You exit the building, still worried. Do you...

21.) Ignore the whole thing
22.) Practice crying

12.) Ha! Like you would do that. Once you exit your building, you see a cute...

23.) Boy
24.) Girl

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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