Trying Regrets (Punk Harry)

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I unfortunately woke up from my sleep which I loved so much. I sighed not wanting to wake up and go to school. And No! I do not hate school because I'm a 'Teenager' I hate it because who wants to go to a place where you're constantly judged?

Also because it's a new school and Because of my awkardness and overly used sarcasm It's hard for me to find friends. Don't get me wrong but I am a nice person, and if you respect me then I'll respect you no matter if you're :Fat, thin, small, tall, black, white, dumb or smart. But I do have limits, see I'm kind of like a reflecgive surface for example You be a bitch a bitch is what you'll get back. See?

I threw on White Demin shorts which were studded with little silver square diamonds, a navy crop top with the words punk wrote across it, my plain white converse and a U.S.A bandana. I'm probably already late but I don't care, I didn't want to go to this school, I only moved down the road from where I lived but my mum and dad insisted on me moving schools and the fact that it would be easier for her to drop my little sister Ellen to school0 Oh right I forgot to introduce myself! Well my names Chloe Howard but to my family I'm known as Cherry or Cherry Pop, all because it's my favorite fruit and I once dyed my hair TEMPORALY RED. I've gone back to my brown hair and I have green eyes and I used to be really Chubby when I was 12 and 13 like seriously big like (ºUº) and that would just be my head but Luckily I've lost all my 'baby' fat as my mum called it.

Just then my dog Chief came running in,I named him Chief because eventhough he's small he likes to think he's in charge.

"Hey Chief, How are you buddy?!" I said happily, He did that weird dog sneeze thing and barked.

"Lets go Chief?" I say whilst walking out, ushering him with my hand.

"Chloe! Hurry Up you're going to be late!." My mum belowed from downstairs. I slid down the banister, with Chief in my arm.

"Morning Mum, Morning Dad." I say neutrually.

"Honey We're meeting the Neighbours today after you come home from school, so were something nice okay?". I nodded in response and took a swig of milk, after I wiped my mouth I traded my shoes for my Skates and threw my shoes in the bag. Chief Followed me as I walked to the door.

"Cheif Stay! Bye Mum, Bye Dad!" I said walking out the door not bothering about their response.

I know where the school is because I played against it, in a Netball tornement when I went to my Old school. I skated up the road when all of a sudden a Rangerover Came flying past me, like 2 inches away from myself.

"Hey Buddy, Watch It!"

I finally reached the school, about 20 minutes late. I traded my skates back to my converse and walked inside to the main office where a Very Fake looking blonde lady looked up at me.

"Would you like to sign in?! You're very late." She said in a high pitched voice, Jesus christ.

"No shit, And actually I'm new here and I want my stupid timetable." I smirked as I said this and the smirk did stay on my face. Her fake smile dropped as she handed me the paper she said

"Talk like that, and you'll get in trouble. Stupid girl" She thought must have thought she said the last bit too her self but Damm right I heard it. I snatched the paper out of her hand and said "Actually that's the plan, and I'm a grade A student who has already done Three GCSE's so, so much for stupid."

Hey! Hoped you guys enjoyed, Tell me if I should  continue it helps a lot and sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes! -ThatFanGirl37 

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