Rather A Friend Than An Enemy (Unfinished)

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"Me and Kacy aren't always going to be there for you." Harry's words were ringing thriugh my head as I walked to Mr Brown's music class. Just as the door was in reach a familiar face bumped past me. Sophia... Her mascara had ran down her face and there was a red mark freshly placed there.

"Sorry.. Oh it's you, came to have another go at me like your friend Kacy Huh?" I blinked in shock Kacy did this? "N-no I was going too class. Damn, Sophia are you Okay? Look come with me and we'll get you sorted out, Kay?" She looked as she was going to say something  but she stopped halfway.

"Shit! It's Liam just come with me to the toilets." She ran off but I could feel some one behind me.

"Alright Liam?" I said nervously, he frowned at me and pushed me up against the wall.

"What was that? Listen here you leave Sophia alone or I'll-"

"You'll what? Hit a girl and prove how little of a man you are? And I didn't do anything... we just..." I tried to think of something to cover up the real reason. "We were walking, and I was running to class and I acidently bumped into her and one of my books kind of hit her in the eye so we're going to the toilets to sort out her make up." Liam realeased his grip on me and his face softened.

"Okay, Chloe. Thanks for looking out for her and I know you might not get along because of Kacy but thanks for trying to be civil at least."

"It's okay." I said and I didn't even recognise the voice as my own as it was so quiet and petite.

I walked into the toilets as quickly as possible with out causing much of a disturbance. "Sophia? It's Chloe."

She walked out of a bathroom stall and smiled at me half heartedly. Without saying anything I grabbed some paper towels and ran them under the tap, as I rinsed most of the water out Sophia spoke up.

"Why are you helping me?" I sighed I didn't even know myself.

"If I'm honest I don't really know. I just hate seeing someone sad and you don't seem bad at all infact your actually nice when we're not insulting eachother." We laughed with eachother as I dabbed gently on her face. After I had finished removing the mascara, I held the cold to her cheek.

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