Chapter 5: "This is where we start."

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Author's Note: After months of waiting, I finally got around to finishing this chapter. From me to you, happy birthday. Love you guys and all your support, thank you for everything!


Kelsey's Point of View.

I can't stop laughing.

He's got his fingers digging into the skin of my waist and my body can't handle it, shrieks emitting past my lips as if I were practically dying.

Ironic given a few months ago I was in the hospital.

I quickly shake the thought from my head, focusing on the man on top of me and the sinister smile on his face. It's charming of course, innocent even.

"Stop!" I beg, pushing at his hands as my body squirms underneath his grip. "Please," I laugh though you can barely hear it over his thunderous one.

"Admit it and we'll be even," he shrugged though he didn't dare let up his fingers, waiting for me to give into him.

Maybe it's about time I do.

"Fine," I breathe out, laying limp on the bed as a smile graces my lips. "I like you."

Pulling his fingers from deep inside my hips, he smooths his palms over them instead, leaning down to place his lips over mine.

Touching his cheek, I pull him closer.

Pulling back, he licks his lips, grinning. "Was that so hard?"

"A little bit," I admit sheepishly, a sudden ache forming in my chest though I force myself to swallow it all down.

"Come on," he stands, extending his hand out to me as he waits for me to grab it. I do, allowing him to pull me up before his arms encase my waist, pulling me flush against him. "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For pushing it."

"You didn't," I lie.


I look up at him. "Seriously, it's fine."

Pressing his lips together, he nods before looking away though he doesn't make a move to let me go.

I smile in reassurance despite his vision being elsewhere before I place my cheek against his chest where I can hear his heart beat instantly having me ease into him.

I count each beat in my head, thump thump thump, each one with a second in between. Either he was scared, nervous, or angry. I couldn't tell.

"Come on," he pulls me back by the shoulders, "let's go before we're late. I'm pretty sure John's been waiting at least half an hour."

"I wonder whose fault that was," I sing-sang, giggling as he shoots me a playful glare.

"Shut up," grabbing his jacket, he slides his arms through the sleeves before grabbing his keys and then waiting to take my hand, walking me out of my apartment and down the stairs.

Letting go of my hand as we reach his car, he opens my door as I get in before closing it and walking around to the driver's seat.

After putting on our seat belts, he turns the car on, giving it a few seconds to warm up before pulling out of the parking spot and driving down the street.

Arriving to the restaurant, he gives the car to the valet before walking out and giving me his hand once more. Walking inside, he greets the hostess with a smile.

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