Chapter 13: "Truce."

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: THIS IS IT!! Guys, we did it! After all these years and we finally came to the end of the series. I just want to take this time to thank each and every one of you for everything that you have done for me. You guys gave me an escape when I needed one and you all became my best friends. We laughed, we cried, and honestly, I am and will forever be grateful for each and everyone of you. You guys have supported me endlessly through my writing journey and I will never forget it. From the tattoos to the fan videos to the manips made -- you guys are a DREAM COME TRUE!!! You guys are hardcore, badass, loyal, and THE BEST READERS IN THE WORLD. No one even comes close to you, you guys have made this series what it is today and it's BECAUSE OF YOU that it ever got to this. You guys had the series trending on Twitter -- THREE TIMES, you guys began the fandom within fanfictions with all your creative artwork and I will never, ever forget the times we fangirled together and freaked out over the chapters to come. LIKE HELLO?? It's been years and you're still here. MY BABES. Putting everything to "rest" makes my heart swell, I'm crying writing this. You guys made writing my dream and hopefully one day, it will become a reality. You guys made this come true for me and I will always be here to support each and everyone of you. I LOVE YOU!!! THANK YOU TIMES A MILLION!!!!


"Come on... come on," Justin switched lanes on the road as he waited impatiently for the other line to answer.


"Fuck," throwing his phone aside as he continued to swerve out of the way, he ran his fingers through his hair ignoring the sting from his busted knuckles.

He was numb, exhausted, and torn apart inside, fighting the demons that told him to run away. This was it, he knew it -- he felt it, and nothing could save him from what was going to happen next.

They spent years fighting for their lives, protecting what they thought was important. The money, the cars, the power, it meant nothing when you didn't have the person you loved standing next to you.

They knew that now.

He knew that now.

But it was too late.

Ending the call, Justin looked up at Officer Martinez. "I got to go."

"Like hell you do, Bieber."

"You can take me out in cuffs right now, but it won't stop me. I did you a favor, don't forget that."

He scoffed in disbelief, putting his hand up to a fellow officer to stop him as he began to take his handcuffs out too. "Do you understand what you're doing right now?"

"Yeah, and it's a risk I'm willing to take. You defend your men when you have to, you protect them, right? That's all I'm trying to do. Me and you, we aren't that different as you'd like to think we are."

Pressing his lips together, locking his jaw, he stayed quiet.

"Make sure you take her to the hospital."

Shaking her head, Kelsey stepped forwards, "Justin, no. Where are you going?"

"Look at me," he grabbed her face, "I'll be back, okay? I promise."

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