Chapter 14: The Aftermath

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Walking into the house, Justin felt like he was walking a stranger's home; the atmosphere different now that John was gone. It didn't feel real.

Following close behind, Kelsey reached for his hand, squeezing it as he turned to look at her, his lips pressing against her forehead before pulling away, allowing her to lead the way as she began walking up the stairs.

He paused at the last step, eyes focused on the closed door that led inside John's room. His heart ached, tears forming as he forced them back, shaking his head.

"It's okay," she whispered.

"This just can't be real," he countered in a hushed tone, refusing to allow his emotions to overtake him. He made a promise and he was going to keep it. "Come on," he ushered her forward gently.

Pushing his bedroom door open, she took a look around before turning to face Justin as he closed the door behind him.

"Do you want to shower?"

"Yes, please."

Nodding, he led them both into the attached bathroom where he peeled himself of his t-shirt, grunting from the number of bruises coating his skin before turning and helping Kelsey with her clothes.

Slowly lifting her arms, she sucked in a sharp breath once he unzipped the dress she wore, sliding it down her body and having it pool at her ankles.

His eyes took in the discoloration painted on the canvas of her body, fingertips reaching to trace them gently as he looked into her eyes, "how are you feeling?"

"Tired," she whispered.

"Me too."

Turning the water on, he waited for the tub to fill with warm water as they both discarded their undergarments. Slowly easing her into the water, he sat down himself before gently pulling her down with him as she sat between his legs.

Leaning her back against his chest, Kelsey sucked in a sharp breath, laying her head on his shoulder.

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Justin kissed the back of her head before leaning his against the tiled wall behind them. Licking his lips, he pulled them into his mouth as he closed his eyes, inhaling a deep breath through his nose.

Allowing him both the space and time he needs, Kelsey traveled her fingertips up and down his arm, careful not to press on any bruises.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.


"Please," he begged, "let me finish. I'm sorry I let you down all those times. I'm sorry I walked away thinking it was making things better when in reality it just made everything worse. If I had just.." cutting himself off, he tightened his arms around her slightly. "I never should have let you go."

Feeling her eyes water, Kelsey bit down on her lip to keep from making a sound. "It's okay," bringing his knuckles to her lips, she kissed them gently. "Justin, I forgive you."

Hiding his face in her hair, he pressed his forehead against the back of her head, inhaling her scent. He let some time pass between them before speaking up, "that could have been me tonight."

Her chest constricted at the thought. "I know..," she whispered as her bottom lip trembled. "I know."

Danger's Back 2: The Aftermath ✓Where stories live. Discover now