A Ball To Remember

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A/N- dat face dough... that's actually me xD :3 I'm so epic
oh, here's a video on my YouTube Channel 2!


Elsa Arendelle
Everything Has Been Classified


"Elsa!" I turn around and see Emma in the doorway, smiling. I 'smile' back.

"Jack told me to tell you dinner will be ready in about 10 minutes." I nod. and she exits my room.

I've been staying here for almost the whole month, and Christmas was coming up...

Yes, I have to admit, I want to be home on Christmas morning, with my family, smiling when we laugh, and everything!

But the other side, wants me to stay here with Jack and the others.

They, they are like my family.

I yawn, and check my calendar, not knowing what day it was.

I sigh as I look at the x's that I have crossed out.

I look to see-




I hear footsteps coming towards my room, and my breath quickens.

Sure father will send the whole kingdom if I don't return.

"Elsa!? Is everything ok!?" I turn around to see Jack with a panicked face.

"J-Jack is it December 24th?"

"Yea, why?" I gulp and look out my window.

It's lightly snowing.


If it's the 24th, it's the day before Christmas! And I didn't get anyone anything! And my father is throwing a ball- oh no! My father's holding a ball! Oh fish nugets!

"Umm... can we go somewhere? " i ask, with a gulp.

Jack looks at me curiously.
"It depends..." he says.

Please say yes...

"Umm... the king is holding a ball, if it's alright with you can we go?" I ask.

Jack thinks thoughtfully for a few moment's before smiling.

"Yea, sure... anything for you, princess."

Yea Jack.. you will know I'm  a princess tonight.

"Well, let's hurry up and eat, then we can go but you a dress."

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