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"It's not nothing. What are those? Why do you do it?"

Killian's words rung in Peter's head repeatedly as he made his way further and further away from said person.

"It's not right."

Obviously! Peter thought to himself. It was clear to anyone, even himself that what he did to his own skin when his bad thoughts get too bad, when he's alone, when he's not sure if the excessive bleeding from that one unintentionally deep cut is worth panicking over.

The younger boy was so lost in thought that even he had stopped paying attention to where he was heading, making a wrong turn and allowing the captain to finally catch up.

"Peter..?" Killian spoke up in a soft tone that Peter recognized all too well. It was the sound of someone who was about to fully throw all their pity on to him.

Peter perked up and turned to look at the male, forcing his natural smirk on his face. "Ah, captain! It seems as though you've been on this island too long. You're finding your way around fairly good and you've even found me!" His upbeat attitude never faltering but it wasn't enough to convince the other.

"Drop the act. Why'd you storm off? I just want to talk about this. How long as it been going on?" Killian asked causing Pan to stop his excuse that he'd 'just been looking for more useable wood for the ship'.

"No, Killian. How about you drop the act?" Pan's entire demeanor changed. It appeared almost sinister. "Don't act like you're my friend. Don't act like you suddenly care." He took slow, menacing steps towards the other. "The only thing you care about is that fucking ship and fixing it. So you can leave like the rest of the people that come upon my land!"  

The captain might be the older of the two, but seeing someone like Peter go from a happy and annoying kid, to one with a serious dark side took him aback. He felt something slight..possibly fear?

"What do you mean like the rest of them?" Killian asked curiously.

"Well, do you see any others? I'm sure the storm that dragged you in knocked you out before you got a chance to see the faint wreckages from past ships. Spoiler-alert, you weren't the first to person to stumble across Neverland. And you certainly won't be the last. Face it, once you fix it or find a way to call your mates, you'll leave." Peter spoke, his voice cracking towards the end from such emotion he was feeling.

Killian stepped closer, resting his hand on the younger boy's shoulder. "We'll just have to delay the fixing on my ship then, won't we?" He spoke, a small smile on his lips when he noted the small flicker of hope in Peter's eyes before he disguised it once again.


That was two months ago. Two whole months had gone by since the day Killian Jones crashed his ship on Neverland and met the boy who'd changed his life in such a short time.

Within those eight weeks together, the pair got closer. Peter teaching the older of the two how to survive on the island, such things include fishing, hunting, making needed accessories with the leaves and twigs surrounding them. Killian repaid that by updating the teen on current events he had last left on and how to use items that were on his ship. Items that seemed completely and utterly new to Peter.

"Whats this?" Peter inspected the small object in his hand, watching the small arrow inside move ever so slightly whenever he changed direction.

"A compass. Serves as a guide and helps with direction. I take it you've never seen one before. Correct?" Killian quirked up an eyebrow, eyeing the teen from the small log he was seated on.

"It's pretty new. I mean I don't use that often since I know my way around here so well." The boy responded, not lifting his gaze even once from the golden object.

By now The Captains ship was close to perfect, it had been properly boarded up and it was shaved down so it blended beautifully. The only thing left to do was a test run of it before Killian could leave. Forever.

"Peter? Where the hell have you run off to now?" The captain muttered, his voice in a jokingly serious tone. It was the day he had planned to set out and see if his beauty of a ship could withstand the harsh waters. With no response, he walked out of the treeline by the shore and on to the sand, seeing a figure up by the steering wheel of the ship.

He made his way through the sand and climbed up onto the deck, eyeing the younger since he hadn't moved a muscle. "Didn't you hear me calling you? I swear even after all this time on this island you have never listened to me once." Again, his voice playful and lacking the strong tone he once used when he first arrived.

The boy stayed silent.

"Peter, I'm kidding. Learn to take a joke." Captain Hook walked up to him and attempted to ruffle the teens hair, though it was stopped when he felt the boy's hand come up and grip his wrist, preventing the action.


"What's gotten into you? You've been acting strange since yesterday." Killian tried to retract his arm but the boy's grip never faltered, so he allowed for the boy to hold on.

Finally turning to make eye contact with the Captain, Peter narrowed his eyes at the man. "Just go. Today's the day you sail off right?"

"Is that what this is about? I told you it's just a test run. I'm not leaving yet."

Peter let out a dry laugh. "Hah, yet. But after you find out it works you'll be gone. That simple."

"Of course, I have to go Peter. As much as I've accommodated myself to surviving here, this isn't how I'm used to living. I have friends to get back to, people i need to see." At those words Killians arm was let go, he felt a pang of guilt in his heart knowing he'd said something that hurt the boy.

"Friends? Where were these friends when you crashed? Where have they been this whole time you've been here?" Peter was beyond fuming but the main feeling he felt was hurt. Hurt that it was so easy for the captain to leave. To abandon him even though the boy was kind enough to teach him how to survive and to rebuild his ship.

"It's not that simple. They don't know where I went, I left without a word. I didn't expect to get stranded on this hell of an island." At this point Killian was clearly not thinking before he spoke, it was in the moment.

"Don't disrespect my island." Peter warned, his voice low but on the verge of breaking slightly. He pushed past the male and began down the stairs to get back down to the sand. "Fuck it, go ahead and leave."

"Peter, wait! I didn't mean it like that. I-.." There wasn't much to say, the captain would surely just be speaking to himself since he saw the younger disappear into the treeline, storming off.

With a heavy sigh, he readied the sails and looked back once more before taking off. He wanted to know,...he needed to know if his ship worked.

OKAYYYY finally updated whoohoo! This isn't as great as I expected but I wanted to publish something. So I hope you all enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2017 ⏰

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